The Beauty Shopping Question That Could Save Your Wallet (& The Planet)

If you're a regular on any social media platform, it can seem like there's always a new product out there that everyone insists you need to have. Every week there's a new viral product that's making waves on TikTok and Instagram that seemingly ends up in everyone's shopping cart by the end of the week. Because most of these products are part of a quick turnover, they don't tend to last very long in popularity. Ultimately, this means that you'll probably only use the product a few times before completely forgetting about it and moving on to the next product. This endless cycle of constant new viral products can become an expensive habit if left uncontrolled. According to Advanced Dermatology, the average American woman spends around $877 on beauty and appearance every year. This number can grow rapidly if you consider all of the "hot" new items that are constantly being rolled out on social media.


While it's always nice to indulge in some shopping therapy, it's also good to know how to shop smart and save the most amount possible. Smart shopping can help not only avoid throwing away unused products but you can be left with some extra money at the end of the year. Knowing how painful it is to have to throw away unopened products after a year because you simply don't use them, instead invest in products you actually will use and save some of that money for other items you want.

Think before you buy

Whenever you are looking at the latest product and feel torn about whether or not it's a valid purchase, ask yourself a simple question: "Why am I buying this product?" Whether we like it or not, we are constantly bombarded with marketing all around us. From phones to commercials, there's endless marketing trying to push new products to us every day. Before placing your next order, determine whether you're falling prey to the hype around a viral product or if it will serve a purpose in your routine. Instead of jumping on board, ask yourself if it's solving a problem you indeed have.


As Natalie Setareh explains via her site, you need to ask yourself if the product you are purchasing is serving a purpose before you buy it. If you are seeking to try something new and fun, opt for a drugstore dupe that can give you an idea of how the product works before splurging on it. Instead of buying an entire collection on a whim, buy one or two products to really get a feel for the beauty collection before purchasing more items. If you're debating on buying the latest skincare tool, ask yourself if it's solving a skin issue you have or if it's just another pretty tool that will sit on your bathroom vanity. Putting a purpose behind your purchase will help curb those online shopping sprees and give you a beauty and makeup collection you are proud of.


Other ways to shop smart

Being conscious about your shopping habits and what you spend your money on is a good way to stay on track with your finances. Although you don't want to overspend on beauty products you don't actually need, you also don't need to completely cut up your cards either. Finding a balance is all about shopping smart and knowing what it is you need and items you can live without. Financial hacks like a no-spend month can help put into perspective what you can live without for a month and what is an actual necessity. You don't even have to do a strict no-spend month either, simply narrow down on not spending on beauty products to give you a bigger picture of products you do need to purchase.


Another way to determine whether or not you need a beauty product is to give yourself some time before purchasing. Sometimes we can get carried away with the hype around a product that we don't give ourselves time to reflect on whether or not we truly need it. Before you next splurge, give yourself a few hours or an evening to consider whether it was an impulse buy or if you still want it afterward. Buying with intent is key if you want a beauty collection that you are happy with and will actually use every day.

