How To Cure Melasma With These Additions To Your Diet

Melasma, as explained in a study in the journal Dermatology and Therapy, is an acquired pigmentary condition that causes brown and gray patches on the cheeks, forehead, neck, and forearm. The cause of melasma is attributed to both external and internal factors, such as exposure to intense UV radiation, hormonal influences during pregnancy, and family medical history. In several cases, melasma can also be considered a sign of nutritional deficiency and poor liver health. Melasma is more common among fairly-skinned pregnant women and tends to worsen during summertime when UV radiation reaches the highest level. Albeit harmless, this skin condition can cause people to lose self-confidence in their appearance.


Melasma usually goes away on its own after a few months, although it might take years in more severe situations. However, you can seek faster and more effective treatment for the condition through combination therapies including hydroquinone, azelaic acid, and retinoids. Lasers, chemical peels, dermabrasion, and IPL also aid in clearing melanin pigment in the skin, says dermatologist Dr. Adam Sheridan (via Professional Beauty). While there's no quick fix for hyperpigmentation, you can improve your skin health from the inside by eating healthier. Here are some additions you might want to make to your diet plan for fast and efficient elimination of melasma.

Essential nutrients to add to your anti-melasma diet

According to a study in the Russian Open Medical Journal, hyperpigmentation has been linked to iron, anemia, and vitamin B12 deficiencies. To minimize excess copper in your diet, which has also been associated with an increased risk of melasma, eat foods rich in iron as well as antioxidant elements such as vitamin C and vitamin E. Avocados, grapes, oranges, lemons, asparagus, sweet potato, and broccoli are among fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin B12, per U.K. Health Centre, is also effective in regulating pigment formation in the skin and reducing brown areas. Some melasma disorders, however, are caused by either too much or too little vitamin B12. Before taking extra vitamin B12, you should have a blood test or contact your dermatologist to discover whether you lack or have too much of it. 


You should also balance your diet by appropriately portioning your food and drinks. For instance, your daily diet should consist of 33% of fruits and vegetables, 33% of bread, rice, and potatoes, and 17% of meat, fish, eggs, and beans. Milk and dairy products should make up only 17% of your daily meals, while fats and sugars should only account for 8%. In short, make an effort to consume foods that are high in nutrients but low in saturated fats, salt, and additives.

Foods and drinks you may want to avoid

While solving nutritional deficiency with additional nutrients, you should also steer clear of several foods and drinks that can aggravate your skin condition. According to The ClearifiRx blog, people with melasma should refrain from consuming milk and cheese that consist of synthetic hormones and are poorly digested. Dairy derivatives are inflammatory by nature and can weaken your skin. Sugar, salt, soy, and plain carbs should also be off-limits since they contribute to acne breakouts. While treating skin conditions, keep away from fried and spicy foods, which both lead to skin inflammation.


Alcohol is another enemy of your skin, known to dehydrate skin cells, reduce skin suppleness, and make your skin dry. Excessive consumption of alcohol, as explained in a study in the journal Clinics in Dermatology, can cause hyperpigmentation, pruritus, urticaria, and jaundice. Although technology and diet can assist with melasma treatment to some extent, you should make an effort to preserve your skin by taking preventative measures. For instance, wear broad-spectrum sunscreen whenever you go out, avoid intense sunlight and tanning salons, and stop using birth control pills that might cause hormone changes.

