A young couple dancing outside on their wedding day
12 Tips For Finding The Best First Dance Song For Your Wedding Day
Create A Playlist
Take turns with your partner adding your favorite songs to a playlist. This isn't a time to be overly picky, just do your best to add every single song you both thoroughly enjoy listening to.
Listen To Every Song
Next, listen to every song together from start to finish to see which one resonates equally with both of you, nixing anything you two don’t immediately connect with. It’s important that you both emotionally connect with the song so one of you doesn't end up feeling disregarded.
Use Special Songs
Heavily consider any songs that relate to pivotal moments in your relationship. Think about the songs that were playing when you two met, got engaged, shared your first kiss, or any song you may have dedicated to one another.
Read The Lyrics
As you narrow your list, start reading through the lyrics to make sure the songs you're choosing truly represent the love story between you two. There are tons of songs that sound lovey-dovey on the surface but lyrically depict heartache, infidelity, and abandonment.
Is It Appropriate?
If you intend on using a religious venue or inviting children and the elderly, ask yourselves if the song lyrics are appropriate. If you wouldn't play the song loudly at a daycare, old folks home, or church service, then it's probably not the right song to pick.