Sometimes, all it takes is eyeshadow to prevent your eyeliner from smudging or bleeding after application since its powdery consistency is great for setting eyeliner.
If you add a dark eyeshadow — or any color that matches your eyeliner — over the liner, it will last longer. Use a dense, flat eyeshadow brush with a swiping and tapping technique.
Using translucent powder with your chosen eyeliner could be just what you need to help remove oil from around the eyes and keep your liner looking great for the long-haul.
Makeup artist Kathy Jeung says, “Before applying eyeliner, [...] lightly dust along the lash line with a very small amount of translucent powder to absorb excess moisture and oil.”
Putting eyeshadow primer on your eyelids can help your eyeliner stay on for longer and stay free of smudges. It also creates a more even surface to make application easier.
The skin around your eyes should be dry before applying eyeliner. Eye cream can make the area oily and slippery, so just make sure it has absorbed before starting your makeup.