Liquid product being applied to a senior woman's face
Can Retinol Help Get Rid Of Skin Milia?
Milia — also known as milium cysts, milk cysts, or oil seeds — are hard, white bumps on the face that occur when dead skin cells fail to shed in order to clear the way for new ones to emerge. While they’re harmless, they can cause annoyance or embarrassment, but it is possible to treat and prevent them with products like retinol.
Retinol is a form of vitamin A that acts as a powerful chemical exfoliant for your skin and removes dead skin cells, which is what leads to milium cysts. Retinol can encourage milia to clear out on their own in a few weeks, but if there are milia that have stayed for more than a month or are bothersome, a dermatologist can remove them.
For people who struggle with sensitive skin and cannot tolerate retinol, any chemical exfoliant will help keep your pores clear and bump up the production of new skin cells. Look for products that are labeled as exfoliants or chemical peels and replace heavy moisturizers or creams with lightweight water-based or gel ones to prevent future milia.