How To Identify An Introvert Hangover
Being an introvert doesn’t necessarily mean you’re shy, socially awkward, or withdrawn — it’s simply a term to describe a person whose energy is depleted by socialization and recharged by solitude. When an introvert continues to socialize past the point of exhaustion and overstimulation, they might experience something similar to a hangover.
An introvert hangover, also known as social burnout, often starts with a feeling of anxiety or irritability, so if you push past this point and continue socializing, you may have a headache or even a full-blown anxiety attack. If a Meyers-Briggs based personality test shows you’re an introvert, take preventative measures to avoid burnout.
If it’s too late for prevention and you’ve already reached social exhaustion, don’t panic; instead, remove yourself from the social situation, close your eyes, and concentrate on taking deep breaths. Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth and count slowly to four on your inhale, hold for seven counts, then count to eight on your exhale, and repeat four times.
If you are able to, clear the rest of the day's schedule and spend it alone, doing whatever feels restorative to you. Once you've recovered, make a plan to incorporate preventative recovery time into your regular schedule.