Stylish woman using a smartphone is sad and angry with hand in hair
How To Recognize Bad Mental Health Advice On TikTok
When anyone offers medical advice, especially TikTok creators, it’s important to take their credentials, or lack thereof, into account. Another red flag for bad mental health advice is the use of definitive words like “should” and “shouldn’t,” as they are “strong indicators that someone is trying to use force,” per therapist Rayni Collins.
Take a step back after you watch a video and notice how you feel: are you anxious or depressed after receiving the so-called “advice”? Whether you're hearing advice on TikTok, Facebook, or another social media network, it may be best to take it with a grain of salt.
In an alarming study, PlushCare found that out of 500 TikToks with hashtags like #mentalhealthadvice, 83.7% were deemed misleading, and 14.2% had content that could be damaging. Overall, only 9% of TikTok creators who gave mental health advice had the proper credentials, so if you are struggling it is best to seek help from a licensed professional.