a woman on the beach is has sun damage all over her body except for around her eyes which were protected by her sunglasses
Is Sun Damage Reversible (& Can SPF Help With It)?
What Is Sun Damage?
Sun damage presents in many forms, it can be quite visible, while other times, it's hidden or disguised. It can be done at a cellular level (and even DNA) level and can contribute to drooping, wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, thinner skin, broken capillaries, age spots, dry or rough skin, and skin cancers.
Where Does It Appear?
Sun damage can appear on any area exposed to the sun and even on an overcast day the sun's UV rays penetrate the cloud cover and can cause harm. It is important to remember to apply sunscreen to the areas we tend to forget, like our hands, legs, ears, neck, and chest.
Types Of Skin Damage
The most immediate type of damage is a sunburn and should be avoided whenever possible as multiple sunburns can lead to a higher risk of cancers and premature skin aging. Prolonged and unprotected exposure to the sun can lead to damage that shows up later, like wrinkles, age spots, loose skin, and a blotchy complexion.
Types Of Eye Damage
UV eye protection is essential to prevent the five kinds of sun damage to the eyes: corneal sunburn, cataracts, growths on the eye, macular degeneration, and eye cancers. Prevention is also necessary during winter months as corneal sunburn is most common after sun exposure to reflective surfaces like snow.
Checking Yourself
The American Cancer Society suggests doing monthly skin checks in a well-lit room with a mirror. You should be on the lookout for moles, spots, or growths that change in appearance or have irregular borders, sores or patches that bleed and are slow to heal, and signs of premature aging like new wrinkles, age spots, or spider veins.