Wedding, couple and silhouette of a bride and groom outside after their marriage ceremony and romantic celebration. Love, romance and relationship with a man and woman together in matrimony outdoor
What Are Retention Behaviors In
A Relationship?
Types of Retention
Benefit-provisioning and ost-inflicting are two categories of mate retention behaviors that we use as an attempt to ensure our partner won’t cheat or leave. Benefit-provisioning is a positive strategy, which helps both partners, while cost-inflicting behaviors are toxic and abusive.
Benefit-provisioning mate retention strategy is considered low-risk and is beneficial to both partners. This strategy emphasizes the positive aspects of the relationship and includes behaviors like giving gifts and praise, planning dates, and providing support when a partner is unwell.
Cost-inflicting behaviors are negative strategies that might include controlling the bank account, locking your partner in with pregnancy or marriage, checking your partner’s phone, or convincing them that they absolutely need you. These behaviors are high-risk and will make it hard for the partner to leave.
Disengaged Retention
A disengaged partner retention strategy means that neither partner performs many positive or negative retention behaviors. The couple stays together because the relationship feels comfortable, but it could indicate emotional detachment, which leads to less physical affection.
Benevolent Retention
A benevolent retention strategy involves lots of benefit-provisioning behaviors and few or no cost-inflicting behaviors. The couple gives each other gifts, praise, and emotional support and they also make an effort to spend time together.