woman's hand on white background
What Those Ridges On Your Fingernails Really Mean
Vertical nail ridges are a normal result of the loss of moisture that occurs during the aging process. Generally, they are not a cause for concern outside of cosmetic value, but there are a few warning signs you should be on the lookout for.
Deep horizontal nail ridges, also called Beau's lines, are often a sign that your nail growth has been interrupted. This interruption can be caused by an injury to the nail's root, an illness or infection, severe stress, or a vitamin or nutrient deficiency.
If you are on a restrictive diet or have not sustained an injury or infection, it's time to see a dermatologist regarding the issue. To cover the ridges, invest in a high-quality product like OPI Ridge Filler and apply it as a base coat which will allow nail polish to glide on smoothly and even out the ridges.