Two women wearing white wedding dresses as they elope
What To Consider Before You Choose To Elope
Financial Advantages
Financial stress is one of the leading causes of conflict in a marriage, and starting married life buried beneath a mountain of wedding debt is simply borrowing trouble.
The cost savings of an elopement could help you clear student loan debt or buy your first home, with the added advantage of starting your married life on firm financial footing.
Weddings Are Complicated
Planning a traditional wedding involves seemingly countless moving parts and details, which can be overwhelming, exhausting, and demanding of your time.
When you elope, instead of feeling harried, exhausted, and stressed out, you’ll be able to enjoy, appreciate, and revere this pivotal moment in both of your lives.
Eloping gives you the flexibility to make your nuptials your own. Get married at the beach or a mountaintop, wear a dress or a pair of jeans; the only limit is your imagination.
You’ll Dodge Family Drama
Traditional weddings can quickly become an occasion for family and friends to make it all about them. But an elopement nips that bad behavior in the bud.
Allows You To Focus
Eloping lets you focus on your solemn and significant moment without being distracted by unrealistic expectations, frivolous details, and petty squabbles.