Fraxel is a laser treatment for your skin that encourages collagen formation, helps to erase pigmentation, and allows the skin to heal faster than other laser treatments. It produces heat in the deeper layers of the skin, tricking the skin into thinking it's been injured so it produces collagen to repair it, resulting in firm, smooth skin.
For a treatment that doesn't damage the skin (non-ablative), try Fraxel Dual, which treats discoloration, deep lines, and scarring. Fraxel Repair is an ablative treatment that treats more serious conditions like deep wrinkles, scars, and laxity.
If you have acne, sensitive skin, rosacea, or eczema, avoid Fraxel treatments. People with a darker skin tone should steer clear of potent treatments as they can cause issues like pigmentation; gentler Fraxel treatments are an option, but it will take longer to see results.
Along with rejuvenating your complexion, treating mild acne scarring, and preventing excess scar tissue after surgery, Fraxel can also fix sun damage pigmentation and reduce textured skin. As always, speak to your doctor before deciding if Fraxel is right for you.
The risk of Fraxel depends on the doctor you choose and how well you follow aftercare instructions, as not doing so can lead to unwanted complications. Fraxel is typically not safe for those who develop hypertrophic or keloidal scarring, or who have vitiligo.