Brighton, East Sussex, England.
When Is The Right Time To Start Dating Again After
A Breakup?
If splitting up with your partner isn’t amicable, it can be really difficult to handle your emotions and cope alone. When you lose your partner, you may feel as if you’ve lost a loved one, and you might wonder if you’ll ever find someone again, but if you want to put yourself out there, this is how to figure out if you’re ready to start dating again.
While you might think you’re ready for a relationship, if you get into a new one too quickly, it could lead to a rebound relationship that might fizzle out and still leave you hurt. Psychologist Paulette Kouffman Sherman says, “Most people need a month or two to process the breakup, to mourn, and to integrate lessons before jumping back in.”
You might need more or less time depending on how long and how committed you were to that person, but you should always take time to listen to yourself and cope with your emotions. Not only should you give yourself time to get over your split, but you should also slide comfortably back into your day-to-day life.