The Average Length Of Time Eyelashes Take To Grow Back

Similar to the hair on our heads, eyelashes have a natural growth cycle, falling out and regrowing every day. We typically pay no attention to the two to five lashes that usually fall out naturally each day (per The Lash Professional). If you have eyelash extensions the same number applies, because they are attached to the natural eyelash, not the hair follicle. If you have healthy eyelids and your eyelash follicles are healthy, you usually won't notice the eyelash growth cycle.


There are circumstances where the eyelashes fall out faster than normal, and this is where questions about regrowth often come in. According to NVision Eye Centers, conditions such as alopecia, thyroid disease, cancer, certain infections, and blepharitis (inflammation of the eye) can cause the eyelashes to fall out faster (known as madarosis). Other factors that can cause excessive eyelash loss include chemotherapy, burn accidents, hair-pulling disorders, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes, and chronic stress.

Though rare, sometimes rapid lash loss can come from excessive eyelash curling, leaving eye makeup on too long, or an allergic reaction to the glue used in eyelash extensions. The good news is that, in most scenarios, eyelashes do grow back after an average length of time.


The details of eyelash growth

Eyelashes go through three different phases as they grow through the life cycle, and the average time it takes for the eyelash to fully grow back is six weeks to three months (via NVision Eye Centers). Depending on the way that the eyelash fell out, the length of time to grow back will vary. In the case of pulling out eyelashes out of habit, the regrowth phase is longer, because the life cycle of that lash was interrupted. It can take up to two months when pulling the eyelash from the root, for it to fully regrow. As Healthline notes, in cases where the lash was cut or burned, if there is no damage to the follicle, eyelashes may take as little as six weeks to grow back to that same length.


When we look at eyelash extensions, if the eyelash follicle was injured in the removal process, the damage can cause the regrowth phase to be longer. However, if there is no permanent damage when the lash extension fell out, expect an average of six weeks for regrowth. In the case of thyroid disorders, eyelashes should regrow within a few months after stabilization of the thyroid gland. After chemotherapy treatment has ended, eyelashes usually regrow within a few months. 

How to regrow eyelashes quicker

There are many tips out there to help your lashes grow back faster, but be wary of products that claim miracle lash-growing results if it's not a prescription such as Latisse, claims Cosmopolitan. Bimatoprost is the active ingredient in Latisse, which helps to stimulate the growth of new lashes in about four to six weeks. Natural remedies such as vitamin E serums, castor oil, and coconut oil may help strengthen and condition the current lashes you have, but they will not actually regrow new lashes.


In addition to these natural remedies, if you do want to help your eyelashes become stronger, consider your diet and vitamin intake. Keeping yourself properly nourished with the appropriate amount of protein, iron, biotin, and omega-3 may help support strong eyelashes. When working on regrowing the lashes, avoid curling them, keeping your makeup on too long, and wearing fake lashes. Yes, it's best to avoid fake eyelashes for a bit if you are concerned about eyelash damage. See your doctor if you are interested in a growth serum prescription for your lashes, or consider a non-prescription lash serum containing the same ingredients if you prefer an over-the-counter alternative.

