7 Ways To Remedy Those Uncomfortable Cracked Lip Corners

When it comes to our faces, our lips are the most mobile. They stretch themselves into smiles, open themselves wide into yawns, and open and close for conversation. However, their mobility makes them more sensitive, and that's why we suffer from conditions such as cracked, dry, or flaky lips. The condition is known as angular cheilitis, and it is mainly caused by saliva buildup. It's not uncommon and is inevitable for most of us who have sensitive skin. The corners of your lips will experience swelling, itchiness, redness, cracks, blisters, and even bleeding.


In addition to the weather changing upon us, factors such as mouth breathing, loose dentures, drooling, bacterial or fungal infections, dry mouth, and diabetes can cause angular cheilitis. But, not to worry: Although cracked lip corners might be uncomfortable and painful, it's not incurable. So, with the right remedy, the corners of your lips will be as good as ever.

Topical solutions

Angular cheilitis can happen for a variety of reasons. When deciding how to treat yours, it's important to know the root cause. And, depending on the root cause, your treatment options might differ.

If your cracked lips are a seasonal occurrence triggered by winter dryness, applying petroleum jelly can help. The petroleum jelly creates a barrier to prevent dryness and excess moisture. Keep in mind that you should only go for this treatment option in the absence of a specific cause.


However, if your cracked lip corners are due to a yeast infection, you should not rely on petroleum jelly or other at-home topical solutions. Your doctor will prescribe an anti-fungal cream, which should be applied as directed to the affected areas. In the case of angular cheilitis caused by a bacterial infection, you will be prescribed an antibiotic ointment or cream. These topical solutions will help relieve the swelling and pain you're experiencing.

Dietary changes

Your poor diet might be the reason for those uncomfortable cracked lip corners. Your iron deficiency might be causing all those cracks in your lips, so make sure your diet contains food rich in iron, such as pumpkin, spinach, dark chocolate, and broccoli. 


Incorporating vitamin B into your diet — just one of many vitamins that will improve dry skin – can make all the difference to your lips. Not only does it help fight against infections, but it also helps your skin heal. So, by including food such as salmon and eggs, which are rich in B vitamins, you are saying goodbye to painful lip-corner cracks and sores. Remember to maintain your blood sugar levels. Diabetes is an underlying cause of cracked lips, so go for regular checkups and keep your sugar intake in check. 

Other foods such as yogurt can help with sorting out cracks caused by fungal and bacterial infections. If you are finding it difficult to source the above vitamins and minerals through food, you can always rely on supplements to do the trick, especially if you have difficulties absorbing certain nutrients.


Home remedies

You don't have to go running to your doctor or the pharmacy every time you feel those lips cracking. If your lips get chapped or cracked, and if those corners always seem to run dry in the winter, run to your kitchen pantry for a solution. But keep in mind that these home remedies only work if your angular cheilitis is caused idiopathically.


Coconut oil is an easy find in any household. Applying it to your lips and the corners of your lips will not only prevent dryness but will also help fight off any underlying infection. If you can't seem to find coconut oil, olive oil should also work. Alovera has all the moisturizing goodness your lips need in the harsh winters. Furthermore, its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties help heal wounds and sores caused by angular cheilitis. Honey is the ultimate home remedy for healing wounds, as it consists of everything from anti-inflammatory properties to disinfectant properties. Plus, it's hydrating and soothing to your skin, so it is an easy and efficient remedy for your cracked lip corners. 


While the at-home remedies work sometimes, we should know when to seek professional medical care, so look out for the cause and nature of your cracked lip corners and choose treatment accordingly. 

Easing up on makeup

This one is not easy to hear, but applying makeup when you have blistering or crusty lip corners is a complete no-no. Staying away from cosmetics might not be a remedy in and of itself, but it just might be the answer if you have a mild case of cracked lip corners. Your mouth area may just need a little breather from all the heavy foundation and lipstick you're applying. So, give it some time, and try going without makeup. But, if you can't completely cut it off from your life even for a few weeks, at least try to avoid the mouth area. 


Not only does makeup cause inflammation, but it also slows down the healing process. Lipstick, lip gloss, lip liner, and foundation around the mouth area are definitely off the table, but we didn't say anything about your eye makeup routine. So, ease up on your lips, and go all out on making your eyes the star of the show.

Oral medication

If you're not one to apply creams, oils, and every other ointment that promises fresh, healthy lips, taking antibiotics orally might be what you need. However, this requires you to know the cause of your condition. Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infections, so only use antibiotics if it's bacteria you're fighting. Furthermore, when deciding whether to take oral medication or a topical form of your antibiotic, take into account the seriousness of your pain and the length of time it has been an issue. Renuerx is a service that can help you decide which option is best depending on your symptoms, but it's always best to speak with your healthcare professional first.


If you are going the oral medication route, we have some tips for you. First off, prescriptions are not one size fits all. Only take a prescription that is prescribed for you by your doctor. Secondly, it's important to take the full course of your antibiotic, or you risk having your condition return. Trust your doctor.

Filler (particularly Botox)

The reasons for angular cheilitis can sometimes simply depend on the shape of your mouth, so the amount of water you're drinking and the number of times you're applying your lip balm could amount to nothing. This is when the filler remedy comes into play.


The skin around our lips forms wrinkles with time, and the deep folds they form create the illusion of a face that's always frowning. So, if you don't want cracked lip corners to be another of your aging problems, we suggest getting Botox. The lip filler remedy will stop the excess saliva accumulation in the folds at the corners of your mouth. Saliva accumulation is the No. 1 cause of angular cheilitis, so if the shape of your mouth is acting as a well for all that saliva, it's time to end the misery with a bit of Botox. Not only will you be combating this painful condition, but, by turning that frown upside down, you will look more approachable and youthful, making it a win-win.

Everyday lifestyle changes

Although there are many remedies to soothe your dry, cracked lips, preventing it by following some helpful tips can save you a great deal of irritation.

First, it's important to stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water allows your body to hydrate from within. Plus, you need water to carry out almost all bodily functions, one of which includes fighting against infections. In this way, drinking water is just as important as applying lip balm.


Additionally, pay attention to your breathing. Breathing through your mouth can cause your lips to dry up and will increase your saliva formation. Those of us who are mouth breathers should make a conscious effort to breathe through our noses.

Lastly, make sure to practice good dental hygiene by keeping your teeth clean and healthy. If you wear dentures or braces, make sure they are clean, as unclean teeth will encourage bacterial and fungal infections.

