Does Pulling Out A Gray Hair Cause More To Grow?

If you've ever worked hard to gain that perfectly even part or a slicked back ponytail look, or you've taken a straightening iron all the way to your roots, you may have come across a hair that was a different color than the rest. For many, a gray hair here or there pops up at surprising times. It's not usually the most convenient discovery, and many dread the appearance of these pesky grays. Oftentimes we're way younger than we thought we'd be when they show their faces, and the question left in our mind is how to stop more from invading our luscious locks.


Because a gray hair or two can be a pretty shocking discovery, there is a lot of information floating around about what causes gray hair and how to stop more from growing. One of the most popular beliefs circulating is that if you pull your existing gray hair strand, it will duplicate, causing even more to grow in its place. We did some research to find out the truth.

Does pulling one gray make more

If you notice a gray hair or two invading your head of hair and you aren't ready to embrace a gray hair take-over quite yet, the temptation to pluck that gray is strong. However, the myth that if you pull a gray hair they will multiply simply isn't true. Plucking a gray hair will not hurt you, and soon after you remove it, you'll notice it replaced by the hair follicle from which you plucked. But hair follicles work in isolation, so there is no chance that by pulling one, more will grow. The Today Show explains that if you do pluck that strand of gray hair, you may be one of the lucky few that experience their new gray hair growing in less intensely, but the strand is still going to be gray.


While plucking a gray here or there isn't harmful to you, if you become a frequent plucker, damage could occur to the hair follicle. If this happens, it may stop producing hair, and that is not a great way to prevent grays from invading. If you continue to pluck too often, you could cause infection, scarring, or baldness (via UAMS Health).

Options for your graying hair

The technical truth behind your graying hair is due to the hair follicles no longer producing melanin. If your gray hair is caused by stress or genetics, there is little you can do to reverse the graying. However, if your hair is turning gray because of a medical issue, speaking with your doctor can help you understand your options.


Most people who aren't ready to welcome gray hair opt for hair dye to solve their hair color woes. In addition, hair highlights are an easy way to cover up pesky grays, and they are less obvious as they grow out. However, if you're ready to embrace your silvery locks, you're not alone — plenty of people are choosing to transition to gray. Though it can take a while, your hair stylist can also assist you in this transition to make it seamless and fun. No matter the approach you decide to take for your gray journey, embracing this change rather than fighting it may be the best course of action for a healthy head of hair. Instead of plucking a stray gray here or there, choose these options for optimal hair health.


