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25 Things That You Will Want To Do At Home This Summer

Before you purchase your pumpkin spice lattes and start quoting from "Hocus Pocus," make sure you try out these incredible at-home activities that are perfect for summertime! While there are many great things you can do outside of the house during this time of year, sometimes keeping yourself protected from those UV rays and the humid, sticky hot weather can be a much more refreshing option. Plus, there are tons of benefits to being an "indoor cat," specifically when it comes to your wallet. According to The Mostly Simple Life, staying at home can be one of the best ways to help you save money. No need to spend on transportation, food, or entertainment, for example.


With that said, what are some creative and relaxing activities that you can do right in the comfort of your very own living space during summer? Keep reading to find out some excellent seasonal options to add to your bucket list.

Host a spa night

The best way to unwind after a hectic work day is to host your very own spa night. There's nothing more relaxing than putting on your favorite face mask while soaking inside a hot and sudsy bubble bath. If you want to be a little extra (and there ain't nothing wrong with that!) get an aromatherapy diffuser (available on Amazon Prime) and pour in some drops of your favorite essential oils. According to Psychology Today, some of the best essential oils to get you in the most relaxed (and sleepy) state are lavender, lemon, and jasmine. Put on the diffuser, and start a massage train with your besties. If you'd prefer to make your spa night a solo activity, there are some awesome massage tools available on Amazon Prime.


But spa nights aren't just beneficial for loosening all those knots in your back. According to Psychology Today, taking the time to de-stress and relax is necessary for your well-being. Why not give it a try? 

Redecorate and ask important questions

One of the best at-home activities you can do this summer is redecorating your living space. According to Tiny Buddha, there are many great benefits to experiencing change, including "personal growth," "opportunities," and "new beginnings." Changing up your living space is no exception to this rule. As a study published by Psychology Today observes, your living space says a lot about your personal identity. Chances are, your identity has shifted (even if in the slightest) since you first decorated your place. So why not go ahead and redecorate your home to best suit the person you are today?


According to The New York Times, one of the best tips to get started with your new decoration plan is to ask yourself "How you want to live." What aesthetic do you want to surround yourself with on a daily basis? Are you seeking to live in a cozy home or would you prefer something more trendy and modern? How does your living space show off your personality? Does it suit the rest of your family/roommates? 

"To the best of your ability, you have to try to discern how you would like to live in a given space," says interior designer Alexa Hampton. "What will you be doing? How many people live there? Are there children? What are your ambitions for how you would like to live?" 

Start a vlog channel

Let's be real. At some point, you've probably fantasized about starting your very own vlog channel. Your life is interesting, and you're interesting, so what's stopping you? Plenty of people would be lucky to follow you on your life journey, so get out that camera, and press record! A study published in Psychology Today suggests that there are several benefits to vlogging and watching vloggers. One of these benefits includes building a stronger sense of empathy for the vlogger and their viewers. This is especially the case when it comes to vloggers who are open about their struggles with mental health. 


"Suddenly mental illness is not this abstract idea," psychologist Ben Michaelis observes. "Face-to-face is the way evolution has shaped us to interact with one another; it's how we know one another and how we build empathy for one another." Who knew? So pull out your camera, get vlogging, and have fun!

Begin journaling

It's amazing how many physical and mental health benefits there are to journaling. The act of writing is a great way to unwind after a hectic day. Not only can writing down your thoughts improve your overall well-being, but for those who might be struggling with insomnia, journaling right before bed has been proven to aid with falling asleep. A study done by the Emory University suggests that you should jot down a "to do" list right before catching those Z's (via Psychology Today). "This seems to be a quick little thing people can do in the evening, not to fall asleep in two minutes, but to fall asleep faster than they probably would have otherwise," says lead author Michael Scullin. Who knew?


Psychology Today also suggests that those who begin journaling experience "significant improvements in health in just four months." So does this mean we don't have to keep going to the gym anymore?

Put on exercise videos

Let's be honest. Going to the gym can suck. Hard. Being surrounded by sweaty people who keep throwing you the stink eye for doing your squats all wrong can be a dreadful experience. Plus, schlepping all your equipment to and from your local fitness center can be its own workout. And running outside in the hot sticky summer sun? No, thank you! A good alternative is to just throw on an exercise video and start working those glutes from your very own living room. The best part? You don't even have to buy one of those cheesy exercise DVDs anymore. Social media platforms Youtube and TikTok offer countless workout videos that are 100% free. So start blasting your favorite sweat-breaking playlist, put on the video, and get moving


Although it might be intimidating to get started, exercising a few times a week will be extraordinarily beneficial in the long run. In fact, according to study author Larry Tucker, those who engage in physical activity are biologically much younger than their same aged peers who don't work out. "In short, because of lifestyle differences, some adults are older biologically than their chronological age, while others are younger," he revealed (via Forbes). "Given the same chronological age, adults who engage in high levels of physical activity have nine years' less cell aging than sedentary individuals. That is substantial and meaningful." Wow!

Become a makeup expert

If you're like most of us mortal-folk, you could probably learn to brush up a bit on your makeup skills. In today's digital world, it's easier than ever to become a makeup goddess in no time due to all the beauty guru channels dominating YouTube. Who would we be without the help of the masters like Michelle Phan and Rachel Levin? (We can all use some improvement on our wing eyeliner skills.) So if you're bored during the summer and you want to do something productive, yet fun, binging on makeup tutorials can be the best way to do so. In no time, your makeup skills will be so impressive you'll look like you just walked off the set of "Euphoria." 


Whether you want to rock a casual "no makeup makeup" look or go all out with something glittery and colorful, the choice is yours. The best part about makeup is that it's all about you, and your right to self expression. Makeup artist Chanel Ledger emphasizes this theory. "Makeup is more than just a way of enhancing your appearance," she says during a TEDxYouth Talk. "Applying makeup is like an art form. You can be creative, experiment with different colors, textures, application techniques, and you can express yourself in any way you please."

Perfect your baking skills

There's nothing better than sinking your teeth into one of your very own sugary creations. Even better is watching the faces of your loved ones as they wolf down your freshly made treats. Whether you've never baked or you consider yourself Martha Stewart, baking can be a great way to spend your time at home this summer. Furthermore, baking has some great benefits for your mental health as well. That way, not only will you be serving your taste buds, but you'll also be serving your well-being. 


There is even a Depressed Cake Shop in London which is specifically designed to help people struggling with depression by turning to baking. "For a lot of us involved in this project, mental illness and baking are linked," said the host, Melanie Denyer (per BBC). "A lot of us turn to baking when we're feeling low. Some of us even started baking because they were ill and needed something simple as a focus. And there is genuinely something very therapeutic about baking."

Check out these awesome Pinterest ideas for baking your perfect summer treat. 

Practice meditation

For some of us, meditation can seem intimidating. How are we supposed to close our eyes and concentrate on our breathing when it feels as though there are a million other things that we should be prioritizing? Shouldn't we be taking out the trash or finally washing that ever-growing pile of laundry that seems to be getting bigger by the second? While it may seem difficult to sit back and meditate, the mental, physical, and psychological benefits of this yoga activity are endless. Specifically, practicing "mindfulness meditation" can help reduce anxiety as much or even more so than anti-depressants (per Psychology Today.) 


But what exactly is "mindfulness meditation?" According to mindfulness expert John Kabat-Zinn it is "the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment." 

Like dance, exercise, and sports, there are many different forms of meditation. Mindfulness specialist Diana Winston says, "Just like there are many types of sports, there are many types of meditation. I define meditation as any practice that cultivates inward investigation" (via Dr. Happy)

Host a Y2K Night

It's no secret that Y2K is back in style. There's something so exciting and nostalgic about the early 2000s, from the cheesy boy bands to the "baddie" Bratz Doll fashion trends. What better way is there to celebrate the decade than to throw your very own Y2K night? Get all of your friends to show up with kitschy butterfly hair clips and their most colorful midriff-bearing tracksuits to really get into the spirit of the era. 


Be sure to blast a lot of old-school Britney Spears, Destiny's Child, and Justin Timberlake while you're at it. You're never too old for a themed party, and you're never too old to act like a Y2K baddie. So go ahead and put on those heart-shaped sunglasses while dancing around with your friends to "Genie in a Bottle." Check out these awesome early 2000s party decorations on Amazon Prime

Have a self-care day

There's nothing wrong with taking a day off from the stressors of everyday life in order to sit back, relax, and unwind. Nowadays, things seem more hectic than ever due to work, family duties, chores, and the excruciating aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic. This is why it is crucial that you take some time out of your busy schedule to put your own needs and health first. One of the best ways to do this is to have your very own self-care day. But the idea of "self-care" admittedly sounds pretty vague. What does it mean exactly? According to Psychology Today, it's just as simple as it sounds. "Self-care in essence is the mindful taking of time to pay attention to you," says Dr. Maria Baratta. "Not in a narcissistic way, but in a way that ensures that you are being cared for by you."


And while some people might take a fancier approach to a "self-care day" by going to pricey spas or trying to get their hands on all the essential oil bottles in the world, there are tons of simpler options that are absolutely free. Some of the greatest self-care activities at home include taking a nice bath while you let the water wash away all your stressors and worries of the day. Sounds so relaxing.

Read top-selling summer romance novels

The myriad of benefits when it comes to reading are mind-blowing. Not only is reading one of the most relaxing hobbies of all time, but it is also a great tool for increasing empathy. According to a study reported by the Harvard Business Review, "reading literary fiction helps people develop empathy, theory of mind, and critical thinking." Whether you choose to dive into a literary classic or an easy-breezy summer romance novel, any form of reading is necessary for the soul. This is especially the case in this day and age when so much of our focus is set on our screens. Whether it be our TV's, laptops, or smartphones, too much screen time can be bad for one's physical and mental health. Take a much-needed break from technology, and snuggle up with a good old fashioned novel. 


Check out the best summer beach reads listed on Goodreads.

Write your own summer romance novel

Writing, just like reading, is another activity that offers a myriad of psychological benefits. Not only is writing one of the best creative outlets (you have the power to invent your own world, for example) but it's also great for your overall happiness and well-being. The Independent even suggests that creative writing can boost your self-esteem. And according to one study published in Cambridge University Press, writing about traumatic experiences can greatly help victims with PTSD. "Writing about earlier traumatic experience was associated with both short-term increases in physiological arousal and long-term decreases in health problems" the study reveals.


Why not give writing a shot? Who knows, you might end up crafting the next best-selling novel. If you're nervous to get started, don't worry. Remember that nobody has to read your work (unless you want them to) so you're free to get as deep and heartfelt as you want without having to worry about what your peers think. 

Host a wine and paint night

If you're sick of hosting the same old movie/dinner night with your loved ones, why not shake things up this summer by throwing a wine and paint night? Getting buzzed on your favorite wine while painting whatever it is that your heart desires can be the perfect recipe for an unforgettable night. Plus, painting is one of the ultimate forms of self-expression. So get your Picasso on, or channel your inner-most Vincent Van Gogh. Even if your paintings turn out disastrous, at least they will make great mementos. Plus, hosting a wine and paint night will be a great activity for relaxation and bonding opportunity among your besties. 


According to one study, painting has a multitude of health benefits that you've probably never considered. Dr. Carrie Barron suggests that being "creative" with the use of your hands (rather than the click of a mouse) can be an amazing way to cure mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, because "meaningful hand use has a lot to do with happiness," she said. "And yet, because so much of what we do now is accomplished with a click on a device, we're deprived of the process." She continues, adding, "Creativity is really about a way to have an optimal life."

Learn to play an instrument

Some adults are afraid to learn a new instrument because they feel as though they're too old to master it. And although it can be intimidating to try something new, studies show that playing instruments have a multitude of cognitive benefits. "Music might provide an alternative access into a broken or dysfunctional system within the brain," a study by Psychology Today reported. "Music has the unique ability to go through alternative channels and connect different sections of the brain."


Although it can be a bit embarrassing trying to play "chopsticks" on the piano as an adult, you have to start somewhere. And trying, of course, is better than not trying. Plus, there are thousands of videos floating all over YouTube that offer free tutorials for whatever instrument you'd like to master. No need to pay for piano or guitar lessons. 

Build a pillow fort

You're never too old to build a pillow fort. In fact, sometimes building a cushion fortress in your adulthood can be even more fun than building one as a kid! Engaging in activities that might be classified as "childish" can be incredibly beneficial for adults. According to a study reported by Happier Mind Journal, participating in child-like behavior can inspire you to become a more creative and curious individual. It can also enhance your sense of wonder, making you more appreciative overall of the world around you. And as Harvard Business Review suggests, it is vital that now more than ever, we must cling on to our childlike sense of wonder. 


So get creative with your fort, hang up some fairy lights, get your swankiest pillows, and post pics online for the world to see. It can be a great way to bond with your family and friends, while also incorporating your best interior design skills. Pillow fort making is a serious business, people!

Create your most picture-esque smoothie bowl

Smoothie bowls are all the rage, and for good reason. Not only are these snacks aesthetically pleasing and perfectly Instagram-able, but they're also nutritious and delicious! Although it is commonly argued that too much fruit is bad for your health due to the sugar contents, many studies are quick to debunk this theory. In fact, numerous experts believe the majority of us fail to consume nearly enough fruit and veggies in our diets. According to one study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Only 1 in 10 adults [are] eating enough fruits and vegetables" (via ABC News). Yikes!


With that being said, it might be a good idea to make up for lost time and expand on your fruit diet. But how do you make this awesome treat? Simple. All you have to do is freeze up your favorite fruits, then stuff them in a blender with your choice of milk. Minimalist Baker suggests only adding a small amount of milk, preferably dairy-free. Then, just put it in a bowl, and voila! Feel free to add additional berries on top if you want it to look (and taste) the very berry best.   

Sleep under the stars with your besties

Of course, we can't create a summer activity list without recommending camping. While the idea of sleeping outside can be intimidating for some (and we don't blame yah,) there are a multitude of upsides that come from sleeping in the great outdoors. Not only is it an adventurous and whimsical experience that you're unlikely to ever forget, but it's also great for your mental health. 


Thermarest states that there are "emotional benefits" to catching some Z's underneath the stars as well. Being surrounded by nature and all the beautiful healing properties that accompany it can really benefit your sleep, so you get a more peaceful night's rest. And instead of venturing off into the woods, just host a camping night in your backyard! Think of it this way: No traffic getting to your campsite. No mosquitoes. No bears. Love The Outdoors has a perfect checklist for everything you might need for your camping "trip." Check it out!

Create a Pinterest Summer mood board

Pinterest can be a great way to give you inspiration for how you want your summer to look. Adding pins of all the places you want to visit this summer can be a fantastic way to organize your schedule. Plus, crafting a bucket list will ensure that you make the most of the season. And simply looking at all the aesthetic pictures of this time of year will be a wonderful way to get you excited and inspired so you have the best summer yet. 


According to this super helpful guide by Master Class on how to get started with your moodboard, you can either make this board digitally or with arts and crafts IRL. If you would rather organize this board on a digital platform, there are numerous apps and platforms to go about doing so. Master Class explains that these include (but are not limited to) Pinterest, Canva, and Milanote.  

Start scrapbooking

Not only is scrapbooking an incredibly fun/relaxing activity, but it also comes with a host of mental and cognitive benefits as well. One study by Spiritual Winners suggests that this activity can be a great way to improve your overall self-worth and boost your self-esteem. By scrapbooking about your journey, you are giving yourself a sense of purpose. Plus, it is one of the best ways to capture and maintain memories. "Memories are how we pass down our traditions and preserve our legacies," says TV personality Leeza Gibbons (per HealthyWomen.org.) "It's what resonates at the end of the day and at the end of a life. Memories matter." 


So why not turn off your phone for a bit, put on some good music, and pick up the colorful paper/glue? You'll be amazed by how relaxing it can be to scrapbook. Plus, it can be a great creative outlet that's pretty much perfect for the summertime.

Picnic in your backyard

The number of health benefits that come from simply being in nature is staggering. Just being around trees can significantly lower your levels of anxiety and depression, according to a study reported by Sustainable Earth. So why not spend some time in the great outdoors for a nice lunch? There's no need to schlep all your food, picnic blankets, and basket of items to the middle of the woods. Having a picnic in your own backyard can be just as exciting (and easier) than venturing elsewhere. Plus, if you forget the bug spray, sunscreen, or extra condiments, you can pop right back inside the house to get it. 


So channel your inner "Anne of Green Gables" and get out the picnic essentials. According to the Food Network, you can either have the picnic on the grass with a blanket, or set up a table. It all depends on your mood and what everyone else is comfortable with. 

Do an indoor photoshoot

Did you know that some of the best lighting in photography comes from the great indoors? If you're looking for something fun to do this summer that doesn't require you to leave the house — or spend a fortune — try an indoor photoshoot. No need for expensive camera equipment — using your cellular device should work perfectly. Now is your chance to get creative with photoshoot ideas, whether you want to take selfies or have your BFF assist for the day. Plus, photoshoots are the ultimate excuse to get all dressed up without having to leave your house. 


If you're concerned about where to get started or how to create the most satisfying indoor pics, Lightroom Presets offers some stellar tips. According to the website, the most important thing is to find a room where there is enough light streaming in through the windows. Once you've found the room with the perfect lighting, go ahead and strike a pose or two (or a hundred, it's digital after all) and have fun!

Host a Barbiecore party

Who doesn't love the heavy emphasis on "core" aesthetics that have become so popular as of late? Whether it's "Cottagecore," "Princesscore," or "Barbiecore," all have an extremely fun and over-the-top appeal that takes us away from the (sometimes) mundane aspects of daily life. But with the Margot Robbie "Barbie" movie coming out next year, "Barbiecore" has made its way into fashion with hot pink accents and girly sequins dominating the scene. What is it about this aesthetic that is making us so giddy inside? According to vice president of the Pantone Color Institute, Laurie Pressman, it's all about taking risks that pull on our nostalgic heart strings. "People want to escape, and they are latching onto something colorful and nostalgic and playful," Pressman spills to The Washington Post. "When you think about color being a language that expresses what is taking place, this pink and its association with Barbie is about being daring and unafraid and taking chances." 


So come on, Barbie, let's go party! Check out this awesome list by The Takeout which will help you organize the best pink cuisines for your soiree.

Host a whimsical tea party in your garden

What better way is there to end the summer than hosting a whimsical tea party in your garden? Whether you choose to host it under the sunlight or stars, gathering your loved ones outside with some tea and cakes can be a great change of pace from your day to day routine. Hang some fairy light strings (maybe even catch some fireflies!) and enjoy your favorite cup of earl grey with your favorite company. 


Don't forget to put those pinkies up, and elbows down! Bonus points if you put your smartphones away! According to this helpful article by BBC Good Food there are a few essentials that will help you set up your proper afternoon tea party in no time. In addition to the tea, the site recommends "finger sandwiches," "scones," "teacakes," and "biscuits" as some of the delicious treats you will need to have the most traditional afternoon tea.   

Start gardening

Very few activities are as relaxing as they are rewarding, yet gardening is certainly one of them. Tending to plants and vegetables can be an excellent way to offer peace of mind, body, and soul — while also giving you a sense of purpose. You are creating life with your bare hands, and really, what can be more rewarding and exciting than that? Psychology Today lists the various "mental health benefits" of gardening, which include "reducing stress," "physical exercise," and "being present." Plus, if you grow vegetables in your garden, your eating habits will naturally become much healthier. 


This study reported by clinical psychologist Julia Rucklidge in her TEDx Talks takes a look into how much your diet plays a role in your overall well-being. "It is the simple idea that optimizing nutrition is a safe and viable way to avoid, treat, or lesson mental illness. Nutrition matters," she said. "Poor nutrition is a significant and modifiable risk factor for the development of mental illness."  

Summer movie night under the stars on your projector

There's nothing more exciting and romantic than watching a movie while surrounded by weeping trees, summer breeze, and twinkling stars. So why not celebrate the good weather by enjoying a movie outside in your very own backyard? Whether you choose to gather all your best friends, your special someone, or make it a solo event, this activity can be a really fun change of pace from simply watching a film indoors. Pop some popcorn and watch your favorite summer film. It's a super fun way to entertain at home, while drinking in the warm summer nighttime air — maybe even curling up next to pillows and blankets if it gets a tad chilly. 


Purchase a mini portal movie projector on Amazon Prime currently on sale for $54.99. Break out the snacks, get comfy, and delight in your outdoor movie theater!

Hopefully this list will inspire you to do some exciting summer activities right from the comfort of your own home. Enjoy!

