What To Do After You Pop That Stubborn Pimple

So, you've lost the battle with yourself and have given in to the temptation to squeeze the living daylights out of the stubborn pimple taking up residence on your poor, unsuspecting face. Hey, there is no judgment here. After all, the dread of leaving the house with an inconspicuous new pimple is universally relatable. It certainly doesn't help when said pimple is angry, pus-filled, and painfully noticeable.


Despite the fact that pimples are incredibly inconvenient, these pesky bumps actually communicate a lot about the health of your skin, hormones, and surrounding environment (via Healthline). However, this fact doesn't make it any easier to face the world, especially when you're dealing with a pimple that just won't go away. Therefore, if you find yourself past the point of waiting for your pimple to sort itself out and have taken matters into your own hands, then here is what you need to know to care for your skin post-popping.

What to do immediately after

The deed has been done. So, what now? After you have popped a pimple, there are several steps you should take to decrease the chance of infection. Firstly, if you absolutely must pop a pimple, a useful rule of thumb is to clean your skin both before and after to prevent the spread of bacteria, according to Exposed Skin Care. Not only does this help reduce the chance of infection but it also prevents additional pimples and the formation of painful nodules or cysts (via Water's Edge Dermatology).


You should also clean the site and surrounding area with an antibacterial wash or solution, such as benzoyl peroxide or a tee tree oil serum, per Exposed Skin Care. The antibacterial serum or ointment will prevent infection, reduce inflammation, and encourage healing, perĀ Healthline. You can also use salicylic acid to encourage skin cell growth and prevent your pores from clogging, according to Water's Edge Dermatology.

How to speed healing and prevent scarring

At this point, the pimple is an open wound and should be treated as such. Resist the urge to touch and prod the area to reduce inflammation. You may keep up with your regular cleansing and spot treatment routine to prevent infection and encourage healing. To speed up the healing process, you can use a pimple patch to protect the spot until your skin closes over, according to Dermalogica. Don't forget to apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer as well to keep the skin hydrated and healthy (via Water's Edge Dermatology).


Another great tip is to apply sunscreen regularly, especially if you are prone to hyperpigmentation, per Dermalogica. According to Water's Edge Dermatology, you can also use a chemical exfoliant once your skin has healed to reduce hyperpigmentation and increase cell turnover.

As embarrassing as it may be, people around the globe have experienced acne to some degree or another. You may have caved this time, but for the health of your skin, experts recommend that you avoid popping pimples at home to prevent infection, nodule or cyst formation, and permanent scarring (via Healthline).

