What To Know Before You Consider An Eyelid Lift

Tummy tucks, breast augmentations, and... eyelid lifts? It seems like there's a procedure for everything these days, which isn't a total exaggeration. Severely saggy skin around the eyes is common, but if you're worried about signs of aging, or, in extreme cases, losing your peripheral vision, you might consider getting an eyelid lift (otherwise known as blepharoplasty). The surgery reshapes the eye by getting rid of extra fat, muscle, and skin from both the top and bottom eyelids, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. It's mildly invasive, but thankfully, you're provided a general anesthetic.


As with any cosmetic or plastic surgery, it's important to research an eyelid lift thoroughly before you even think about getting the procedure. Certain people may not be eligible for the surgery due to health issues, or maybe the surgery isn't quite what you imagined. There's the healing process to consider as well. Will you be able to take off work for the allotted time to heal? Do you have someone who can assist you until you've recovered? These are all things you should know before you consider an eyelid lift.

Preparing for the surgery

As much as you want to walk into the surgery facility the day of your appointment without any preparation, there is some prepping you have to do before an eyelid lift. First and foremost, make sure your surgeon is certified to perform eyelid lifts. This may seem obvious, but it doesn't hurt to ask your potential surgeon about their level of expertise in the procedure. The eye is one of the most complex organs in the entire body, so it's absolutely crucial you find a cosmetic surgeon that is an expert in the eye and every part of it.


Some surgeons may ask you to get lab tests or a medical examination before an eyelid lift, says the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. If you smoke, you'll need to refrain from doing so before the procedure, as well as during recovery. Additionally, while you may be tempted to take ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory supplements, it's best to avoid those before surgery, as they can lead to bleeding and bruising.

What are the risks involved?

During your consultation, your surgeon will ask about your medical history in order to determine whether or not you're a good candidate for an eyelid lift, says Johns Hopkins Medicine. For example, they'll want to know if you have any history with diabetes, thyroid problems, and glaucoma, to name a few. If you're approved, keep in mind the risks associated with this type of cosmetic surgery, including bleeding, dry eyes, difficulty closing the eyes, or injury to the eye muscles, per the Mayo Clinic. In some cases, you may even need follow-up surgery if you're experiencing complications.


As we mentioned earlier, smoking heavily increases your risk level, so it's important to stay away from it throughout the entire eyelid lift process. Otherwise, you're more likely to have complications, such as blood clots, infection, and a prolonged recovery, The Aesthetic Center explains. With that said, if you follow your surgeon's instructions, you should have a much better recovery process and come out the other side with more youthful lids.

