What To Know About The Benefits Of Omega Fatty Acids In Skincare

With the plethora of options on the market now, there are almost too many skincare ingredients to be aware of when building our skincare routines. From AHAs to BHAs, it seems like there's a skincare ingredient for every issue and skin type. However, as nice as it is to have a variety of products to turn to, it's also possible to have too many choices. And given how many products and formulations are out there, it's sometimes hard to know what each skincare ingredient is and what they do for your skin. 


Omega fatty acids are a rising star in the skincare world, despite their benefits being known for a long time prior. Oskia Skincare describes omega fatty acids as necessary fatty acids that can't be produced or found in the body. 

When taken as a supplement or as part of your diet, omegas can have many positive effects on your body and skin. In your skincare routine, they are an essential component of keeping your dermis healthy, but because they aren't naturally found in the body, many have a deficiency of omegas. However, omega fatty acids, inside and out, are a must-have if you plan to have healthy and glowy skin.

Omegas improve hydration

One of the many benefits of omega fatty acids in your skincare routine is that they will help keep your epidermis hydrated. For those with dry skin or skin issues derived from dryness, omega fatty acids will be very beneficial. BeBodywise explains that the omega-3 fatty acid is behind the retention of moisture in your skin. This omega will lock hydration in your skin cells, keeping your face plump with moisture. Ergo, omega fatty acids are recommended for those who suffer from skin issues like psoriasis, where dry skin is a staple symptom.


Canyon Ranch adds that omegas also help rebuild and protect your skin barrier, making it much easier for hydration to remain in your skin. If your skin barrier is not functioning in the way it is supposed to, moisture can easily evaporate, leaving you with a dry, vulnerable dermis. 

While omegas are commonly consumed in your diet, you can also apply skincare products with omegas to obtain the same hydrating benefits. Topical omega products will deliver the same type of hydration and can help repair and build your skin barrier.

Omega fatty acids minimize signs of aging

If you are looking for a skincare ingredient that will help minimize the appearance of aging, omega fatty acids are exactly what you need. Patch MD explains that by boosting your production of collagen, omega fatty acids can help prevent issues like fine lines and wrinkles. 


Collagen is produced naturally by the body, but it starts decreasing as we grow older. When our level of collagen decreases, we aren't creating new, youthful skin tissue as before. Adding omega fatty acids to your routine will help increase your collagen and keep your skin appearing as youthful as ever.

Because topical applications are as effective as the consumption of omegas, The PÜRE Collection recommends reaching for products that contain omega fatty acids. When researching your next anti-aging skincare product, opt for one that has omega-9 acid. This omega will help improve your skin's elasticity and ability to regenerate new tissue. 

Omegas reduce inflammation

Besides boosting moisture retention in the skin, omega fatty acids can also help via their anti-inflammatory properties to alleviate any areas that might be irritated. Consuming or applying omega fatty acids is one way you can soothe irritation, as all omegas contain anti-inflammatory properties. Skinstore notes that adding omegas such as omega-3 and omega-6 will help reduce inflammation in the skin caused by issues like eczema and psoriasis. These two omegas are essential to add to your routine, as they cannot be found naturally anywhere in the body.


If you have to focus on one omega to add to your skincare routine, omega-3 will deliver the anti-inflammatory benefits you need for your skin. Omega-3 is most commonly found in fish, and due to its popularity, this omega can also be easily found in skincare products too. According to BeBeautiful, apart from helping to soothe affected areas, omega-3 helps protect the skin against internal and external aggressors that may cause inflammation.

Omega fatty acids strengthen skin against external aggressors

If your skin has constant exposure to pollution or other harmful aggressors, omega fatty acids will help you balance and protect your skin. Apart from the physical benefits of omega fatty acids, this ingredient can also help protect your skin against toxins you can't see. It's no secret that UV rays and pollution can cause a lot of damage, but adding omegas to your skincare routine can help diminish the appearance of said damage. Iwi explains that omega fatty acids help support your skin's photoprotection response, which helps protect your skin when exposed to harmful UV rays by increasing melanin production and working with other skin mechanisms.


The Skin Investment Clinic adds that a proper routine that includes omega fatty acids will help strengthen your skin's response to external assailants such as pollution. Not only will omegas help support the structure responsible for responding to these stressors, but they will also help repair damage already caused by them. Because omega-3 plays a vital role in cell renewal, it is the best line of defense against protecting the skin from pollution.

Omegas can improve hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation, such as dark spots, can be challenging to remove or prevent. However, omega fatty acids could help diminish the appearance of hyperpigmentation and brighten up these areas. As nutritionist Ryan Fernando explains to Vogue India, "According to a study, omega-3 supplementation decreased acne lesions significantly over the course of 10 weeks. It could potentially help reduce hyperpigmentation in several ways. Omega-3 may minimize wound infections and speed up healing, which is useful in cases of hyperpigmentation that are due to skin traumas." Applying a topical omega skincare product will help resolve your hyperpigmentation and prevent it from occurring in the future.


Truth Treatments adds that not only are omega-3s successful in helping decrease the appearance of hyperpigmentation, but omega-6 can also step in to do the trick. It's also explained that a study conducted back in 1998 and published in the Archives of Dermatological Research proved that these two omega fatty acids help improve hyperpigmentation after three weeks of continued treatment. Much like other skincare saviors, continued use of this ingredient will help it deliver maximum benefits to your skin.

Omega fatty acids prevent and soothe acne breakouts

Anyone who has suffered from any form of acne breakout knows that resolving blemishes can be a daunting task. Thankfully, omega fatty acids can soothe current acne breakouts and prevent future issues from forming. 


Nordic Naturals explains that certain studies have linked the prevalence of acne to a deficiency of omega fatty acids. Out of the patients studied, those with higher omegas in their system were less likely to suffer from acne breakouts. In a study published on ScienceBlog, the Department of Dermatology and Allergy in Munich found that 94% of patients who reported having acne breakouts had a low amount of omega-3s in their system. These patients' omega-3s fell well below the established threshold recommended. 

This link between acne and omega-3 has helped to strengthen the idea that adding omega fatty acids into your skincare routine will help balance acne breakouts and prevent them from happening in the future. When adding omegas to your skincare routine, focus on a high concentration of the skin care ingredient if you seek to smoothen the appearance of acne breakouts.


Omegas can balance oil production

As well as being ideal for dry skin, omega fatty acids are great for those who suffer from the opposite problem. Those with oily skin will find that omegas are perfect for balancing out excess oil and keeping your skin in perfect harmony. 


Matinata Skincare explains that a skincare routine that contains omega fatty acids will help keep your skin moisturized and healthy. When your skin is well moisturized, it will not proceed to produce an excess of sebum. By controlling your skin's hydration levels, omega fatty acids also help control your oil production and prevent excess sebum from occurring.

Apart from keeping your skin moisturized, Holland & Barrett explains that omega's anti-inflammatory properties will also keep your sebum production in balance. There are many reasons your skin might start to produce excess sebum, including inflammation. By supplying your skin with anti-inflammatory nourishment, your skin will not react by overproducing sebum. Because it can stop your skin's inflammation and prevent dehydrated skin, omega fatty acids might be the key to curbing oily skin.


