Can You Use Azelaic Acid And Retinol Together?

A skincare routine is one of the best things you can do for your skin. It doesn't have to be 10 or 20 steps, as long as you care for your skin properly. You may want a longer routine with a weekly schedule, or you can stick to just the basics. Dermatologist Steven Nwe, D.O., explained to Northwestern Medicine, "Investing early in the health of your skin, with regular skin care, will not only better protect it from the harsh effects of winter, but also keep you looking and feeling your best throughout the year,"


Everyone can benefit from three essential products: a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer, and an SPF. Then if you want to pamper yourself or treat any skin conditions, you can add toners, serums, and exfoliants. Skincare routines should always start with a cleanser; then, you can use any additional products, including azealic acid and retinol, finishing with the moisturizer. Your morning routine should also include your SPF as the last step. That said, not all ingredients mix well, so you need to do your research before using something new.

Can you use acid and retinol together?

There's no need to worry if you want to use both azelaic acid and retinol in your skincare routine. They work well together, targeting your skin in different ways. Azelaic acid is made of dicarboxylic acid molecules, according to DermNet. This makes it perfect for treating acne because it's an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Azelaic acid is also good for healing rosacea and dermatitis. Since this acid is a chemical exfoliate, it'll clean out your pores and reduce the growth of bacteria as you continue to use it.


Cleveland Clinic explains that retinol is a vitamin A derivative, so it works by speeding up cell turnover and increasing collagen production. It'll treat hyperpigmentation, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and plump the skin. Retinol can wash away these imperfections because after it exfoliates the top layer of your skin, the extra collagen that it helps to produce will quickly replace your complexion with fresh skin cells. Both azelaic acid and retinol can create wonderful results if you're patient and stick to your skincare routine.

Where they should go in your skincare routine

While using azelaic acid and retinol together is safe, it matters where you add them to your skincare routine. Both are strong ingredients, so you need to be careful with how potent your products are. Since they exfoliate the top layer of your skin, they can dry out your complexion and make you more likely to get sunburnt. Ro explains that research supports using these products together because it actually makes them more effective. Some people have reported mild irritation, but there's not as much research suggesting adverse side effects when using both products.


When you use azelaic acid and retinol depends on what kind of product they are in. Some skincare already has both, so you don't have to worry about any extra steps. A general rule about your routine is to apply products from the thinnest consistency to the thickest. That's why moisturizers are always last. If one is in a serum and the other is a cream, add the serum first. It's also beneficial to use azelaic acid twice a day, while retinol should only be in your nighttime routine. This is because sunlight reduces how effective retinol is on your skin.

