Understanding The Shorter Shelf Life Of 'Clean Makeup'

When it comes to current makeup trends, there's none more popular thanĀ clean beauty. This term is typically used to describe organic products that contain no dyes, synthetics, or fragrances. While many use these factors as the basis of whether or not a product is 'clean,' there's no set definition. This greenwashing movement from the beauty industry has helped beauty companies move toward sustainability. Since there are no set guidelines for claiming a product as clean, it's easy for companies to use this term loosely. Although each company's product line of clean beauty can have different ingredients, it's usually tied by a common thread. When it comes to organic makeup, it tends to expire quicker than its synthetic counterparts.


If you have any doubt about whether or not a product has organic ingredients, take a look at its expiration date. This can be the easiest way to determine whether or not a product qualifies as "clean." Products need synthetic ingredients to last longer. If you're in doubt about your clean makeup products, this date and ingredient list will give you the answer.

Why does clean makeup last less

Since clean makeup is everywhere nowadays, don't be surprised if your latest purchase lasts only for a few more months. Naked Poppy explained that preservatives and parabens found in conventional makeup cause these products to last up to double the time as clean beauty ones. When it comes to clean makeup, some of the longest-lasting products are liquid items that can remain good for around two years. Although this length may seem reasonable, it's nothing compared to products that contain parabens. Other products like mascaras and eyeshadows will have a shelf life of only about three months. Considering these are eye products, you'll want to ensure you toss them once the time is up to avoid eye issues or infections.


Although you can easily find the average time of clean makeup products online, there's no better place than on the actual product. Most products will contain a date that states when they will expire. If it doesn't have a date embossed on the packaging, it may also have a figure which symbolizes how long after opening your product can still be used. This PAO symbol, or period-after-opening, will give you the number of months your product will remain stable after the first opening. Once your product is open, various factors can cause it to rapidly decline in quality. Factors like air, temperature, and lighting can affect the organic ingredients and cause the expiration date to arrive much sooner.


Perks of clean makeup

With a significantly shorter lifespan, many will question if it's worth the effort to invest in clean makeup. Although this timeframe might mean you have to pick up a product more often, there are benefits to switching over to clean beauty. One of the most significant benefits of clean makeup is the fact you are reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals. Even though conventional makeup has long staples in the beauty industry, they come with various risks like irritation and dryness. Those with sensitive skin will see the most change as clean makeup will most likely irritate the skin less. With less of an effect on your skin, you can enjoy the makeup you love without having to deal with its consequences.


With no room for preservatives or parabens, there's more space for ingredients to aid your skin. While this might be seen more in clean skincare, there are plenty of clean makeup products that now contain skin-helping ingredients. Auraiha explained that many of these items contain natural or organic ingredients that are known for keeping your skin healthy and glowy. Unlike traditional makeup, these products will give you the look you intendĀ and improve your skin, too! This double-duty benefit is more than enough of a reason to make the switch to clean makeup.

