Lauren Richards

Photo of Lauren Richards
Washington DC
Boston University
Mindfulness, Yoga, Photography
  • Lauren has visited 29 states and six countries throughout her life, and hopes to add to that list every year.
  • She is a photographer who's shot and published material ranging from food and drink to portraits. She especially loves documenting her travels in her photos.
  • In addition to news writing and feature writing, Richards enjoys writing poetry and fiction. She is inspired by the places she visits and the people she meets along the journey.


Lauren was very involved during her time in undergrad. She was a feature writer for Charcoal Magazine, where she regularly wrote in-depth profiles and dabbled with poetry. She interned as a news writer for BU Today, Boston University's official newspaper. She was also the business editor for the school's student-run, award-winning Daily Free Press. In addition to these ventures, she traveled whenever she could. From weekend road-trips with friends to international visits, she was always on the go.


Lauren graduated from Boston University in spring 2022 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. She recently was accepted into various graduate schools and currently plans to further her education this fall at George Washington University. She plans to study clinical mental health counseling.

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Stories By Lauren Richards