What To Know About Botox Aftercare

When it comes to botulinum toxin injectables to reduce the signs of aging, there are multiple FDA-approved brands, such as Dysport, Xeomin, and Jeuveau. However, Botox is perhaps the most popular brand and widely used treatment in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and preventing new ones from forming. Botox, when injected under the skin, blocks signals that cause muscles to contract from nerves, temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles to make your face look smoother, per Mayo Clinic. Because of its proven merits, Botox is widely used to treat dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movements such as laughing and frowning, as well as conditions like eye twitching, bladder malfunction, and cervical dystonia.


The procedure usually takes 10 minutes, and you might need injections in different places. The results of Botox take a few days to appear, while its effects can last anywhere between three to six months, per Medical News Today. Factors such as your age, your skincare routine, and the quality of the procedure all play a part in the longevity of your newfound plump and smooth appearance. Botox is not a permanent fix, but with the right aftercare, you may get better mileage out of your procedure. Below, check out tips for keeping your post-Botox youthful appearance for as long as possible.

No alcohol or facials after Botox

Alcohol thins your blood and widens your vessels, increasing the risk of facial bruising and swelling at the injected sites, per Generations Medical Aesthetics. Therefore, avoid consuming any alcohol or blood-thinning medications before your treatment and wait at least two days after your procedure to drink alcohol or resume medications that might interfere with the results of Botox injections. Certain medications increase the risk of bruising, so keep your surgeon informed about your medical history and ask for professional guidance on pre and post-surgery care to avoid complications.


According to Cosmetic Skin Clinic, after a Botox session, you should refrain from rubbing or massaging the treated area for at least four hours. That means no facials or massaging anywhere near the head area, and avoid wearing tight headwear across the forehead. This is because the pressure applied to your face and heat exposure can increase your blood pressure, causing swelling in the treated areas and recasting any skin tightening. Additionally, avoid lying down for at least four hours and exercising for at least 24 hours. If possible, rest for a full week before attempting any strenuous activities. Overall, there must be enough downtime to give the Botox treatment time to settle in and go to work.


Wear sunscreen religiously

It's no exaggeration to say that the sun is the enemy of Botox, which is used to remedy the very problem that the sun facilitates: premature aging. Exposure to glaring UV rays can cause your collagen to break down, damage skin cells inside the dermal layers, and reduce your Botox's effectiveness, North Raleigh Plastic Surgery warns. Therefore, wear sunscreen ritually. At the same time, wash your face with a gentle cleanser to minimize friction and keep your skin hydrated with a facial moisturizer containing collagen and hyaluronic acid.


Surgeon Dr. Christopher Manios recommends steering clear of makeup one day before or after your treatment because products can interfere with injected sites and result in skin irritation. You can wear makeup after treatment eventually, but you should at least wait until all the injected punctures have closed up and the mild redness following an injection has subsided. Some plastic surgeons advise patients against touching their face anywhere between four to 24 hours after the procedure. Diet-wise, refrain from consuming food containing garlic for at least seven days because it heightens your risk of bruising after treatment. You might want to cut back on caffeine intake for a few days following therapy since it can raise your heart rate, per Face Forward Aesthetics. Smoking doesn't directly impact your treatment, but it will mitigate the positive effects of Botox and make any post-surgery bruising more difficult to heal.


