What's The Difference Between Synthetic And Natural Fragrances?

When picking out your next fragrance, it can be overwhelming to figure out what to get out of the endless options there seem to be. Even just deciding which product is the fragrance you are looking for can be a challenge. Terms like Eau du toilette and Eau de parfum are often front and center on the bottle, along with terms like natural or synthetic fragrance. Whether you are choosing a fragrance for yourself or a gift, if you do not know these terms, you can expect to spend a long time wondering which to buy. When it comes to knowing the different types of perfume bottles, Ventvenir explains that it simply states the level of fragrance concentration. Eau de toilettes contain around 5% to 15% of concentration, while Eau de parfums contain around 15% to 20%. 


Once you know what intensity you want your fragrance to be, you need to decide which fragrance to get. The difference between synthetic and natural fragrances may seem simple, but it can make a big difference in your preferences. Once you dominate the differences between synthetic and natural fragrances, you will be able to easily determine your new favorite fragrances.

What are synthetic fragrances?

Although synthetic fragrances might seem far from ideal, they are not of lower quality, as one may believe. Fragrance Science explains that synthetic fragrances are man-made fragrances that are meant to recreate certain scents or artificially create a mixture of scents. Synthetic fragrances contain many more molecules than natural fragrances, but this fact does not affect the quality of a fragrance.


Prive adds that even within the term of a synthetic fragrance, there are subcategories that exist within the term. Full synthetics are fragrances that are completely man-made and are derived from petroleum byproducts. Semi-synthetics can have a mixture of synthetic, natural, or modified notes. Natural isolates are synthetic fragrances that have a mix of natural and synthetic byproducts. These terms are simply used to determine which type of synthetic fragrance a perfume might be. Because synthetic fragrances are made artificially, they can last up to five years with the same level of intensity. The lifespan of a synthetic fragrance is much longer than that of natural fragrances.

What you need to know about natural fragrances

On the other hand, natural fragrances are more known to consumers as being clean perfumes. According to weDo Professionals, natural fragrances are those derived from natural sources such as plants, trees, and flowers. These are fragrances that are often touted as being cleaner and safer for the environment. While this might be the case in certain situations, it isn't always the entire truth. The extraction process in obtaining these natural ingredients can directly contradict many claims of being environmentally safe.


Malibu Apothecary adds that natural fragrances usually consist of a mix of these natural ingredients and essential oils. Because natural fragrances are derived from natural ingredients, their shelf life can be around one or two years only. Since they contain essential oils, natural fragrances can often be more soothing and relaxing to consumers. As well, natural fragrances tend to carry a bigger price tag due to the complex nature of extracting the ingredients. Regardless of your preference, both synthetic and natural fragrances have their fair share of pros and cons. If you wish to know whether a perfume is made out of natural or synthetic fragrances, be sure to check the ingredients label for any mention of synthetics.


