How To Determine Which Chakra To Focus On When Meditating

Our chakras are powerful energy centers located along the spine, from the base to the crown. When they're blocked or out of balance, we experience emotional unrest, frustration, and confusion (via Chopra). The ancient study of these spinning energetic wheel-like points can guide us to understand a lot about our spiritual wellness that may not be visible on the surface. The chakras require some consistent housekeeping, and they need to be cleared and aligned regularly. This can be done through sound healing, yoga, reiki, massage, positive affirmations, breathwork, and meditation (via Healthline).


When we meditate, we calm the internal noise and are able to receive information we may otherwise be too distracted to notice –- including which chakras need attention. When the chakras are balanced, we feel a sense of wholeness and clarity. To clear the chakras through meditation, it's best to begin with a single chakra. Here's how to determine which chakra to focus on when meditating.

Assess your imbalances

If you aren't sure which chakra needs clearing, Yoga International suggests considering your basic nature first. Are you an emotional person? More of an intellectual? If you feel everything deeply, it'd be best to focus on the heart chakra when you meditate, which is green in color and associated with love and forgiveness. If you're analytical and spend a lot of time in your mind, then you should focus on the third eye chakra, which is indigo in color and represents light (via Chopra). Another surefire way to determine which chakra to focus on in meditation is to study what the imbalances of each chakra look like. A blocked root chakra, for example, will manifest as a lack of grounding and excessive greed. An unaligned sacral chakra will look like numbness and disconnection. You'll likely have an intuitive ping when you come across the chakra that most needs your self-healing power.


If you can't figure out where to start or feel overwhelmed by the process, the first chakra will never be a wrong place to begin. After all, without a strong foundation, it's nearly impossible to be in balance. "In my experience, when the root chakra's foundations are strong, the sacral chakra can flow with ease, rest, and digest," Dirish Shaktidas, a yoga teacher and chakra healer who blends Eastern philosophy with esoteric practices, told Healthline. "It's important that we start with healing our root chakra first and then heal the sacral chakra."

Balance the chakras with mantras in meditation

Once you've realized which chakra needs your focus during meditation, it's time to do some energetic clearing work. According to Brett Larkin Yoga, each chakra is associated with a seed sound or 'bija mantra' and a color. When in meditation, focus on this mantra and on your intention. The bija mantra for the root chakra is 'lam,' and the intent is to become strong, stable, and at peace (via Yoga Journal). You could also utilize crystals in your meditation practice. Red Jasper is great for connecting with the earth and grounding the root chakra.


During your session, visualize the chakra being cleared as though you are dusting the buildup away. Imagine the positive qualities of the chakra emanating from you and feel the sensations of what it would be like to have the blockages dissolve. If you find yourself becoming distracted, opt for a guided meditation designed to clear the specific chakra you're concerned with. Many beautiful meditations are available on Spotify and YouTube.

