The Room In Your Home That Should Never Be Used For Work Purposes

Working from home, sinking back into your sofa, and furiously typing away in your snugs probably seems like bliss for many employees. Not only can you set your own routine when working from home, but you might also save on commuting costs and other work-related expenses. This fantasy has actually become a reality for many, as working from home has become a much more common practice in the modern workplace. In fact, a report by Upwork estimates that around 40.6 million U.S. employees will work from home by 2026, continuing on an upward trajectory.


On the other hand, while it has its benefits, many of us have also faced challenges when transitioning to remote working. Some of the most common issues include distractions in the home, such as video games or children running riot. Others have struggled with sticking to a dedicated routine, often working from bed or the couch. And for many remote workers, unplugging from work and enjoying leisure can be difficult when your home is also your office. However, there are ways that you can minimize these problems, starting with working from the correct room — and avoiding the one room you should absolutely never use for work purposes.

Your bedroom should never be used for work purposes

There is one place in your home where you should never take on work-related tasks: your bedroom. Doing so may have downstream effects not just on your productivity, but also on your posture (via Cleveland Clinic), circadian rhythms, and sleep — all of which will ultimately affect how you feel and function in your everyday life. Speaking to Healthline, behavioral sleep medicine therapist and psychotherapist Annie Miller goes into further detail, explaining that working in bed can undermine the natural, subconscious connection the brain makes between your bed and rest. Instead, your impressionable mind will code the bed as a place of alertness. This may impact your sleep, and thus, your productivity — not to mention your health and well-being outside of work.


Your bed (and by extension, your bedroom) should be your sanctuary, so working in that area may make it challenging to unplug at the end of the day or on your days off of work. Relocating your workspace to another area of your home would be a considerably better option on the road to achieving a healthier work-life balance. But where exactly is the best work area for you?

Work in an office or dedicated space

As magical and relaxing (or at least simple) as it may at first seem, you are now fully aware of the negative impacts that working from the comfort of your bedroom can have on both your physical and mental state. So, where should you work instead? Opt for a home office or dedicated workspace, recommends Liam Martin, co-founder of the productivity software Time Doctor. Not only will this help you to reinforce any work-related boundaries that you may have set for yourself, but you will also be more readily able to limit distractions and remain focused and professional when completing team projects or taking meetings from home.


Alternatively, if you don't have the space for a home office, you can set up another dedicated workspace. Just like an office, it should be free of distractions and only have the essentials that you need to get the job done. This way, a clear line will be drawn in your brain to separate working space and space to relax (your bedroom). With a dedicated workstation, you may be better able to participate actively in your role and avoid putting a strain on your body from poor posture (via BBC) — and safeguarding your sleep and relaxation could even help prevent burnout.

