Why You Should Consider Grounding To Help Fight Everyday Stresses

The world has come a long way in accepting new forms of self-care and therapy. In a time when stress is as common as a rainstorm or a windy day, many people are turning to alternative methods to help them deal with anxiety, worry, and depression. While over-the-counter and prescription drugs are helpful, some individuals prefer to find natural solutions to their problems. A recent uptick in grounding has people seeking more outdoor spots where they can reconnect and reset, even if it's just for a few minutes a day.


The very ground beneath your feet is charged with electricity, which when channeled properly can produce positive results within the body. Earthing or grounding is the act of connecting with this electricity and allowing it to help with everything from stress to wellness. Studies have shown that by kicking off your shoes and letting your bare feet touch the earth's surfaces, the body can absorb this stabilizing energy to fight a number of daily complaints or issues. So why should you consider trying this practice, and does it really work?

What is grounding?

To understand how grounding can benefit your mind and body, first, you might need to know what it actually is. Science Direct explains this practice as a way to use the body's conductivity to pull gentle electric charges from the earth, back into your being. The website notes that the benefits include a better sense of well-being, stress reduction, better sleep, and grounding even reduces inflammation. While it might be hard to grasp why this trend works, it can be most easily compared to the sun's rays.


The sun might be millions of miles away from your physical body, but the Vitamin D you can still absorb from it has proven to be healthy and helpful to your system. Earthing works in much the same way, bringing the planet's electrons up from the ground and into your body, helping it to reconnect to the natural benefits housed there. Stabilizing your being is a great way to fight stress because you feel anchored rather than lost to fight or flight modes. Better Earthing notes that these charges are held in the ground whenever lightning strikes, and manifest as free electrons. The negative charge enters your system and regulates everything from your circadian rhythm to how much cortisol is flowing through you. If these levels are high, which causes stress, grounding can help even out the high levels, leaving you feeling balanced, calm, and less nervous or overwhelmed.


How does it work?

While there are a few ways people can ground themselves, here are two ways worth trying out. If you prefer to try the natural route, all you need to do is find areas that are conducive to the practice and provide access to the earth's negative charges. This can be a grass patch in your neighborhood, a sandy area that lets you dig your toes in, or anything that features rocks, gravel, or soil. If you prefer to do it indoors, there are special mats and pads that help you connect with the earth while in a sitting position, or you can lie down.


Companies like Amazon and Grooni offer sheets that go on your bed and provide grounding benefits by allowing your body to absorb the charges and electrons. If you opt for the outdoor route, take about 20 minutes to immerse in the process, and make sure you are barefoot to absorb the negative charges. There are studies that have proven this practice really does help rid you of stress and stabilize you, so taking time to do it every day will see an increase in positive vibrations and help to negate anxiety caused by a busy world and sensory overstimulation.

