6 Posing Tips For The Best Pics Of You And Your Partner

We've all been there — we take a slew of pictures with our significant other hoping to get at least one decent Instagram-worthy shot, but all of them look like awkward family photos. Knowing how to pose alone is hard enough, but add a partner in the mix and you both have no idea where to put your limbs. There's the go-to pose with the two of you standing side-by-side with your arms around each other, but that's so basic and reminiscent of your eighth-grade prom photo. So how do celebrity couples look so poised? Well, they've been in front of cameras forever so they're naturally photogenic; but they also know how to pose.


The trick with posing with someone is to look as natural as possible as if you were caught in a private moment with your beau and not saying "cheese" to the camera. You also have to take into account each other's good and bad sides and stand accordingly. Whether you're taking professional shots or need to update your couple's pictures on social media, all it takes is a little practice and some tips and you'll be taking some red-carpet-ready photos with your partner.

Don't face the camera directly

Nothing looks more forced than you and your partner standing side-by-side in pictures. Create a more intimate photo by angling your bodies toward each other. Close the distance by touching your hips together and placing your hands naturally around each other's backs or waist. You can let the hand nearest to the camera rest casually on your partner's chest to show more affection. Play around with gazing into each other's eyes or having one person look at the camera while the other smiles at them.


Creating an angle also makes you appear slimmer, which is a bonus because we all know that cameras add on pounds. When posing, arch your back a little and put your weight on the back leg so the front one looks relaxed. You can even lift your front leg behind you to look extra flirty. A little playfulness makes for a great photo.

Placement is everything

Everyone has a good side so it's important to know which one is yours, as well as your partner's. If you're one of the lucky ones and don't have one, then consider which side your significant other likes to stand on. A great way to combat bad sides, if you have one, is to angle your heads toward each other so that they're slightly touching. This works well if you're about the same height or have a slight difference. Be sure not to press your heads against each other to avoid looking smushed. If your partner is a lot taller, you can rest your head on their shoulder. The slightly tilted angle of the head will make your features stand out and your face appear more sculpted.


If your boo is a lot taller than you and standing next to each other looks awkward, a great pose is to have them stand behind you and wrap you in a hug while leaning forward. You can hold hands at your front or you can place your hands on their forearms. Another option, if you're shorter, is to have you stand behind them on a step. While your heads are together, whisper silly things to each other so that the camera captures your genuine smiles.

Don't just stand still in front of the camera

No one says you have to pick just one pose and stick to it. Models know that the secret to great pictures is to keep moving. Do a cute little spin with your partner or hop on behind them for a piggyback ride. Have fun with playful poses like holding up peace signs or finger hearts. Action shots often get the best end results as they capture unposed moments in time. If someone is taking your picture, have them take burst photos so that you can choose your favorite pics.


When incorporating movement into your photos, be free and natural with one another; but remember that you still want the results to be flattering. Keep your heads tilted down or toward each other so that you don't get an unflattering double chin. Your arms should be loose and relaxed but not pressed against your bodies. Lastly, stand close to each other so you don't have too much negative space between you.

Seated poses can be tricky

Have you ever been to a wedding or event and had a photographer jump in front of you and your partner while sitting at a table? No doubt you quickly arranged yourselves haphazardly and ended up looking stiff and uncomfortable. Next time, be armed with some poses that will have you both looking poised and confident. Just like with standing, angle your bodies toward each other so that your knees touch. Keep your hands loose on your laps or hold out a drinking glass. Another option is to have your partner facing the camera leaning slightly forward with their elbows resting on their laps while you cross your legs and angle one hip outward.


If you're outdoors, sit on the grass or some steps with you sitting in front of your partner and leaning back against them. Have them drape one arm over your shoulder while you look back at them slightly. When you're seated, avoid poses of you or your partner manspreading. Crotch shots are never cute.

Do something with your hands

Sure, hands are meant to dangle naturally from your body; but, in pictures, they need something to do. If a hand is simply hanging listlessly, it looks ungainly. When posing next to your date, have them place one hand gently around your waist, as if they're cupping it. This helps pull your waist in and gives you that nice hourglass shape. Have their other hand that's facing the camera tucked into their pocket. Your hand that's closest to your partner should be draped around their waist and your other hand can be placed on your hips or playing with your hair.


One caveat is to not have the hands too close to each other's faces because it becomes the focal point. You want your faces to be the spotlight of the photo. Additionally, don't let your hands be closest to the camera or they'll appear huge. Perspective is important in photo-taking. Objects that are closest to the camera will look bigger so let your hands be your accessory rather than the main star.

Small details matter

When you're in picture-taking mode, your poses may be your main concern and you might forget about small details, such as an untucked shirt or a loose button. While they may seem unimportant, those little elements can give your photo an overall messy look. Before you start snapping away, give yourself and your partner a once-over. Empty out bulky items from your pockets such as keys and wallets. Check your belt and jewelry to make sure they're in place. Fix any flyaways and make sure you don't have food in your teeth.


Once you're ready, start snapping away! Have fun with your poses and move naturally. Sometimes, poses may feel awkward, like sticking out one hip, but they surprisingly look good on camera. Also, don't stress so much about getting the perfect picture. Unless you're using a Polaroid or an ancient point-and-shoot, you have the option of perusing your pics and taking more if you're not happy with them. One last thing — don't forget to smile!

