'Last Summer': The Mindset Helping Single People Live Like There's No Tomorrow

If your life was a movie, then you'd be the star. Now, with the concept of the 'last summer' mindset that's making its rounds across social media, you can lead your life just like it's the latest summer blockbuster. With your name at the top of the call sheet, of course! The other top spots can go to anyone you'd like, but save plenty of room for those in your social circle closest to you and get ready to make a splash with the 'last summer' mindset crafting the plot.


TikTok user @leah_bergy posted about the 'last summer' concept to describe how she and her friends approach each summer they begin sans a relationship. The premise works best for those who are single as it is focused on living your life to the max while doing all of the things you'd never do if you were coupled up. By treating each summer that you're single as though it's the very last summer you'll ever be single, the 'last summer' mindset is a challenge to embrace having fun in the sun as you do everything on your single girl bucket list. 

And who knows, this really could be your last summer as a single gal and you don't want to regret not having all of the wild, fun, and spectacular adventures you could have had under the rays of the summer sun. It's time to live like there's no tomorrow; like this is your last summer in your single girl era! 


Team up with your single friends

The 'last summer' mindset can be undertaken solo, or it can be maximized by teaming up with your closest friends also enjoying their last summer of potential singledom. To start, make a list of all of the things you want to do before you're no longer single, and go from there. Be careful, though, as the 'last summer' can come with unexpected turns and surprises, and has the potential to get out of hand in the very best ways!


Under the influence of the 'last summer' mindset, use this time to build other relationships in your life as you embrace what might be your final single summer. Mayo Clinic reveals that having a community of good friends can improve your health by decreasing your levels of stress while providing a long list of positive benefits, from increasing happiness and a sense of belonging to helping you fight back against low self-esteem. Friends can help you achieve your goals by cheering you on and encouraging you to take the chances you'd otherwise avoid if you were on your own. They can also be companions who celebrate the excitement of your last single girl summer. As a group, you'll have people looking out for you as you go bungee jumping, dance the night away on weekend getaways, or try any of your bold bucket list items.


Embrace your main character energy

Think of a ramped-up version of your single girl era mixed with summer adventures and a ton of main character energy, and you've got the perfect recipe for embracing the 'last summer' mindset. You're the star of the show and without a co-star splitting the limelight with you, this is your chance to shine!


Building friendships is an important facet of the 'last summer' concept, but don't just stick with the friends you currently have. Take the opportunity of your final summer season in your single girl era to branch out and make new connections and new friends. Remember, every stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet.

Your 'last summer' is also the perfect time to let adventures unfold and to try activities you've always wanted to give a go. Learn new skills, venture to new travel locations, and try your hand at a new sport, art form, or class. Regularly incorporating fresh experiences into your life, including things as simple as listening to a new song, leads to new synaptic connections within your brain, thus increasing your learning capabilities, and it can even add years to your life, reports Forbes. So, if this is your last single summer, what are you going to do? Get to it!


