Tips For Curbing Face Sweat This Summer

Summer is almost here, and while this means fun in the sun, vacations, and spending lots of time with loved ones, it also means you're going to be sweating a ton — especially on your face. Face sweat can make it look oily and also feel very uncomfortable.


No one likes being sweaty all the time, but it's not really one of those things you can stop for good. You also probably shouldn't try to stop it completely! Everyone sweats, and there's not much we can do about it. There are, however, a few tips and tricks that can help you stay cool and fresh if you feel like you sweat excessively.

In fact, although we try our best to sweat as little as possible, it's actually a very healthy body mechanism that is completely necessary and out of our control for the most part. It is simply the body's way of realizing the liquid found in the skin's sweat glands. The process helps your body stay cool by releasing heat with the sweat. People tend to sweat significantly more in certain situations than in others. For example, working out or hot weather can result in more sweat.


The cause behind sweat

So what is really responsible for sweat? The answer is your nervous system. No matter where it is on the body, you sweat, it's not in your control, and the process kicks into action when your body temperature gets warmer. Your nervous system triggers the sweat glands to start working when your body feels warmer, so it can release the excess heat and maintain a normal body temperature. This mechanism can also happen when you experience certain emotions, such as nervousness.


There are a number of benefits that come with sweating, apart from keeping your body at a healthy temperature. Sweat can also make your skin appear dewy. Not just because of the literal appearance of sweat on your skin but because it stimulates blood flow to the skin, leaving it looking healthy and fresh. Sweating is also a fairly good indicator of how well you exercise.

Also, your face and scalp, in particular, contain a lot of sweat glands. So if you're noticing a particularly sweaty face, it's quite common. On the other hand, do also note that if you sweat an extreme amount, to where the sweat drips off you, you could potentially have a condition known as hyperhidrosis. If this is the case, it may be a good idea to speak to a doctor.


Treating hyperhidrosis

If you feel like you sweat more than a normal amount and it has started to make you especially uncomfortable, you might have to talk to a doctor. Hyperhidrosis is the term given to a medical condition that causes your sweat glands to produce excess sweat. It can make your face, armpits, hands, and feet excessively sweaty.


There are two types of hyperhidrosis, and only one of them is cause for concern. The first is primary hyperhidrosis, and it is believed to be caused by a malfunctioning of the part of the nervous system that controls the mechanism of sweating. The other kind is secondary hyperhidrosis and is usually a symptom of other medical conditions such as pregnancy, menopause, anxiety, low blood sugar, or even an infection. Secondary hyperhidrosis could also be a side effect of some medications.

If you feel that you might be suffering from this condition, your doctor will likely prescribe a strong antiperspirant. This is an easy fix, and if the problem still doesn't go away, your doctor may recommend other solutions, such as iontophoresis or botulinum toxin injections. Keep in mind that these measures must only be resorted to under the guidance of a trained medical professional.


Understanding face sweat

Sweating on the face, in particular, can be very irritating. It is the first thing we present when we meet other people, and a sweaty face doesn't make the best first impression. Additionally, you must be cautious of how much you sweat, specifically on your face or other areas of your body that are acne prone, because excessive sweating can, in fact, result in pimples. This is all thanks to sweat from your glands clogging your pores.


In order to curb the issue, one thing you must always carry around with you is facial antiperspirants. They come in the form of wipes and are very easy to use. While antiperspirant for your underarms is quite common, it is less heard of for the face. They can, however, be very effective in helping you curb your facial sweat and leave you with fresh skin that isn't sweaty to the touch.

Be mindful of the things you eat

Another factor that can help you keep facial sweat at bay is paying attention to the foods you're eating. There are, in fact, certain foods that are known to cause excessive sweating. Spicy food, coffee, alcohol, sugar, and carbs are on this list, so try to limit your intake of these food groups. Additionally, hot food or drinks, overly processed food, and cigarettes are also known to contribute to sweating.


Doing research on common foods that cause sweating and then keeping track of how each of them affects you specifically is a good way to streamline and track how you can control sweat in this regard. After all, everyone is different, and certain foods, although believed to do so, may not cause sweating for you. This is why you must pay close attention to your body and listen to what it's telling you.

Of course, this does not mean you have to completely cut these food groups out of your diet. That would be very impractical. However, too much of anything is never good, and staying consciously in control of how much of each food type you're ingesting will yield great results.

Stay hydrated

When it comes to controlling how much you sweat and keeping it at bay, regardless of where your body is, one of the first steps you can take is to drink plenty of water. Keeping your body hydrated is another way to help your body regulate its body temperature. This will make sure excess sweat doesn't have to be produced in the first place.


Staying hydrated means making sure you drink water throughout the day. And no, this does not mean drinking a ton of water once or twice a day. Also, remember to drink a little extra on days when the weather is hotter, or you get in more physical activity to compensate for the rise in body temperature and lost hydration.

You can also opt for consuming foods that will keep you hydrated. Some great examples of hydrating foods include cucumber, celery, radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, asparagus, and watermelon. Keep in mind that these are only a few examples, and there are tons of other options you could try out if these don't appeal to you.

Wear comfy clothes

Part of controlling excess sweating of the face is to also make sure your body as a whole is keeping cool. In order for this to happen, make sure you're wearing the right clothing. For example, when shopping for clothes, be mindful of the fabric your clothing is made out of, as it can greatly affect how much you sweat. You should try to opt for the most breathable underwear as they let air pass in and out of your clothing and keep your body cool and fairly sweat-free, as opposed to fabrics that restrict airflow. Some fabrics you should avoid include polyester, rayon, or anything synthetic. These kinds of fabrics don't do a great job of being breathable and can trap sweat and heat. Instead, opt for fabrics that are lightweight and breathable, like cotton or linen.


Another good tip is to dress in layers. Although this may sound counterproductive, it actually makes a lot of sense. If you dress in layers, you can, as the day passes and you start to sweat more, shed the extra layers, keeping you cooler and fresher for longer.

