Blow-Dry Vs. Air-Dry: Which Is Better For Your Extensions After A Wash?

Getting hair extensions is a fun and easy way to add extra volume and length to your hair. However, to maintain your extensions, you'll need to take some steps. Depending on the type of extensions you get, they can last anywhere from four weeks to four months, depending on factors such as how well you take care of them. Properly caring for your hair extensions is important to prevent damage, and this includes how you dry them.


The best way to dry your hair extensions depends on the type of extensions you have. In most cases, it's best to opt for a natural approach instead of using a blow dryer. According to the Cleveland Clinic, hair is most vulnerable when wet, and drying it off can either damage or save it. The same goes for hair extensions. To minimize damage, dry your hair extensions in a way that exposes them to less stress after washing.

Air-dry or blow-dry?

The best way to care for your hair extensions is by letting them air-dry naturally. However, air-drying may not be suitable for all extension types and requires some precautions. Although blow-drying your extensions is possible, you need to take several steps to ensure their safety before using a blow dryer. To keep your hair extensions healthy, the easiest way is to let them air-dry at their own pace. However, you should use a microfiber towel to squeeze out excess water, as recommended by Strands Haircare. Avoid pulling or tugging on your extensions, as this can cause damage.


Air-drying is a great, natural way to dry your extensions, but it may not be the best solution for all extension types. As Simply Hair points out, those with weft or tape-in extensions should blow dry with cool air near the glue to prevent water from settling. Leaving water in the glue or tape area can weaken the hold of the extensions over time and cause them to loosen.

Proper extension care

When caring for your hair extensions, drying them is only one part of the equation. While air-drying can be suitable in certain situations, it's not ideal for all types of hair extensions. Blow-drying your hair extensions, on the other hand, can cause the tie-ins to melt and deform. Using too much heat on your blow dryer can also damage your hair extensions, resulting in a loss of investment. Depending on the type of hair extensions you have and your schedule, the drying process can vary. If you want to use a combination of both methods, it's best to consult with your hairstylist after your hair extensions appointment.


While the drying process may differ for each type of hair extension, there are several universal rules for post-hair extension care. Simple things like brushing your hair gently and tying it at night can help your extensions last longer. Before bed, Hair By Kaesha recommends loosely braiding your hair to avoid tangling. Additionally, use proper tools to brush and wash your hair gently to keep your extensions intact. It's best to use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioners to avoid damaging the integrity of your hair extensions. Follow these rules, and you can enjoy your hair extensions without worrying about damaging them.

