Astrologer Unpacks July's Buck Moon & How To Prepare For It (Hint: It's In Capricorn)

The Buck Moon — occurring on July 3, 2023 — is the first full moon after the summer solstice. This supermoon marks the point in the year at which noticeable fuzzy new antlers begin emerging from the heads of male deer (bucks), who shed their full-grown antlers during spring. According to NASA, information originally from The Maine Farmers' Almanac shows that the Algonquin Native American tribe began the custom of calling July's full moon the Buck Moon, though other tribes have their own unique names for July's full name. For example, the Tlingit tribe named it the Salmon Moon, per the Old Farmer's Almanac, and the Algonquin tribe even additionally refer to July's full moon as the Raspberry Moon. 


Naturally, the moon occurs in different signs each year, but this year, you can expect the Buck Moon to be in Capricorn. So, what does it all mean for you astrologically? Glam asked astrology expert Jessie Hutter of So Synched to break down how it might manifest in our lives, as well as how to take advantage of the ambitious energy it provides. 

Enter the Buck Moon in Capricorn

This year's Buck Moon will occur in the stoic, hardworking zodiac sign of Capricorn. Like the mountain goat that represents it, earth sign Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, are all about discipline, responsibility, and work. "We can expect to feel the earthy influence of this sign in our inner lives," Jessie Hutter exclusively told Glam. "This could mean that it might be time for you to shed your old horns and embrace the new."


"Capricorn's energy encourages us to focus on striking a balance between our deep emotions and our practical logic," Hutter elaborated. "There might be new opportunities with work on the horizon, fresh starts, promotions, or job offers." Naturally, this means that it's time to battle any doubt that's crept up inside you and pour your energy into manifesting your "bucks" to achieve your goals. If you've been debating on whether or not you should throw your hat in for that promotion or transfer you've been considering, it sounds like now is the time to buck up and take action. 

How to harness the Buck Moon's energy

Ready to receive the energy of the Buck Moon and put it to work for you? "The kind of energy you can expect from this buck moon will focus on rebirth, renewal, and starting afresh," Jessie Hutter exclusively advised Glam. "The best way you can prepare for this exciting new supermoon is to get ready to roll up your sleeves and work hard."


Naturally, this can sound easier said than done, but it all boils down to being conscious of your energy and time. "Align your goals, be receptive to new opportunities, and channel that practical and efficient Capricorn-esque spirit," Hutter added. "As the old phrase goes, 'The harder you work, the luckier you get.'" This is the time to bust out your bullet journal, sign up for some higher education, or upload your resumé to a job board. Whatever it is you want, the Buck Moon can help to provide the perfect astrological atmosphere for you to take the action required to go out and get it. All you have to do is take the first step. 

