Chiron Retrograde, Explained (It's Helping You Heal For The Rest Of 2023)

Depending on how deep of a dive you've taken into the cosmic realm of astrology, the asteroid Chiron  also known as the "cosmic counselor" or the "wounded healer"  may or may not be on your radar. The celestial body garnered its name from Greek mythology for the centaur Chiron, who was abandoned at birth and went on to transmute that pain into transformation, wholeness, and rebirth (via Forever Conscious).


When Chiron begins its retrograde on July 23 in the fiery sign of Aries, where it will remain until December 26, 2023, we can expect to find greater power and potential within ourselves. We are urged to be mindful when using the word "healing" in association with brokenness, and instead to frame the growth as a grand turning towards our wisdom and prosperity. Aries is the strong go-getter who gets right back up after a fall, well aware of their inherent worth, and this is the energy to embody in your healing for the rest of the year.

From pain to potential

The reframing of pain as potential is what this retrograde is all about, per Pandora Astrology. Sometimes, the surest way to heal is to scope back and take a look at the bigger picture, remembering who you are and what you came to do. It's a delicate balance to tend to what needs tending to, while also making sure not to feed the momentum of old wounds that are ready to be released.


Though Aries is associated with war and violence, this sign has the wisdom and vitality to navigate wounds in such a way that they won't slow us down (via Astrostyle). That's not to be confused with turning a blind eye; this sign simply spreads the message that wounds are another part of the path. When we're conscious of our vibration, we're able to transmute pain into potential and keep our focal point one that ignites, inspires, and excites us. Aries is known to leap before they look, but it's this youthful vitality that can also be the ultimate source of relief for what ails the spirit.

Working with the Chiron retrograde

When July 23 rolls around and you're wanting to make the most out of the healing vibes Chiron in retrograde will bring, there are a few practices in self-care to try out. Journaling, time in the bath or other bodies of water, making art, and gently exploring old wounds through a new lens of perspective are all recommended (via Trish McKinnley). Writing exercises that examine old wounds in a new light can be transformational during this time. It's totally valid to feel as though we could've certainly lived without particular rough roads, but asking your wounds to show you who you were all along, despite the pain, can be quite a relief. If writing helps bring levity to your relationship with the pain, then journaling is surely a worthwhile dive during this retrograde of Chiron.


Ceremonies of release can also be symbolic of the letting go you're now ready to do. Write down your old pain and say farewell as you release the stories that don't have a place in the new world you're creating for yourself.

