'Rapid Tapping': The Manifestation Technique All About Removing Blocks In Your Life

Many people understand the basic concept of energy, but when spiritualism and metaphysics are thrown into the mix, it begins to take on a whole new meaning. Those who believe in energy in a spiritual or metaphysical sense often link it to the soul. It's also common to hear about differences between positive, "good" energy versus negative, "bad" energy and how both of these energies affect all aspects of our lives. "A spiritual energy flows through the universe, a superaliveness — an active yes," David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, explained to Oprah.com. "Yet even though our greatest happiness comes from feeling this eternal connection, there's a tendency in all of us to close off from it."


The idea of finding happiness by counteracting the "bad" with the "good" has been around nearly forever. However, many people believe that exuding positive energy can introduce more positivity into their lives. It's from this that practices such as "rapid tapping" and the Emotional Freedom Technique have evolved — but can they really help us manifest our wildest dreams? Research seems to suggest it's possible, or at the very least, that tapping can help you create more positivity in your life. Here's what you need to know before you give this method a shot.

Matching your vibes to your desires

Those who subscribe to the notion that energy has a significant impact on our daily lives will tell you that negativity can be a real roadblock. Whether you've been trying to get a new promotion at work or reach a challenging fitness goal, some believe that the "vibes" or energy you're putting out into the world could be your worst enemy. "What you believe is possible is ultimately possible, because it's all about adjusting your energy to match what you desire," author Poppy Delbridge, who developed a popular "rapid tapping" method for manifestation, told Well+Good.


Delbridge notes that tapping — which is an ancient practice that operates under some of the same principles as acupuncture — has traditionally been used for everything from pain to trauma relief. Different tapping methods may focus on different areas of the body, depending on your needs. But the end goal of rapid tapping is always to move "stuck" energy in the body that may be blocking you from achieving your goals. "Traditionally, tapping has been used to remove pain and trauma and to lower stress, but my 'rapid tapping' technique is also about moving toward potential and possibilities — that's the biggest difference," Delbridge explained.

The reported benefits of practicing tapping

Poppy Delbridge notes on her website that her version of tapping — "rapid tapping" — is based on the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Gary Craig developed EFT to address both physical and emotional issues, and it remains one of the most well-known and practiced tapping methods today. Definitive research on its benefits is still ongoing, but many people have found relief through EFT, including those with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), says Healthline.


So what does tapping have to do with manifestation? Well, when it comes to rapid tapping specifically, Delbridge's website states that she combines the basic principles of EFT with manifestation techniques to rid ourselves of "unhelpful feelings," including self-doubt and fear, which may be holding you back from reaching your goals. "We create memories when we're highly emotionally charged — like on your wedding day, or when something really awful happens," she told Well+Good. "Rapid tapping will put you in that energized brain state by turning off the stress reaction, which is the perfect time to use my energy techniques to seal in that positive frequency."

The role of meridians in tapping

The roots of tapping, in general, are based on beliefs stemming from traditional Chinese medicine. Those who practice believe that there are meridians — or points of energy — within the body that regulate different areas. The 12 principal (or standard) meridians, according to the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, are thought to be linked to the heart, pericardium, lungs, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, liver, kidneys, large intestine, small intestine, urinary bladder, and tri-heater or triple burner. By focusing on meridians, practitioners believe that they can restore the flow and balance of energy to the body.


These meridians are also commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine techniques like acupuncture. However, with tapping, no needles are involved — instead, applying pressure to these points of energy is thought to provide relief where needed. Those who believe in the benefits of tapping methods such as EFT claim that the practice can help regulate the part of the brain that is responsible for stress. So if you're someone who believes you need to be in a non-stressed, positive energy state to be able to manifest, you can see where tapping might aid in your endeavors.

How to do rapid tapping at home

Rapid tapping is a non-invasive practice that almost anyone can do in the comfort of their own home. That being said, trying it poses little risk, so it may be worth giving it a shot if you happen to feel "stuck" in any area of your life. To begin, take a deep breath with your hands over your heart, and say how you're feeling out loud. Then, gently massage your "sore spots" — the areas slightly beneath your collarbone — to regulate your nervous system. From here, you can begin to reframe the way you're feeling, ushering out negative emotions and replacing them with positive ones.


Continue tapping while expressing affirmations out loud — tapping on different areas of your body is thought to bring relief to various organs as you nourish your mind and soul with your words. For example, tapping on the under-eye area is believed to help the stomach. To finish your session, rub your hands together before placing them around your head to "seal in" the positive energy you've created.

What tapping can and can't help you achieve

Poppy Delbridge states on her website that her method of rapid tapping can help people find what they truly want in life, whether it's more productivity, happiness, or confidence. She also notes that the ultimate goal of her rapid tapping process is to help people create possibilities, meaning that this might be all you need to manifest your dreams. However, it's important to understand what tapping can't do for you in addition to recognizing its potential.


Healthline notes that research is still ongoing in terms of defining the scientific benefits of tapping. For this reason, you should continue seeking treatment from a medical professional and not attempt to use tapping as a replacement for any advice or treatment they can provide you. That being said, it may be worth talking to your doctor about this alternative form of treatment if you're living with certain conditions, such as trauma — some studies have suggested that tapping can help with symptoms of PTSD, for example.

If you or someone you know needs help with mental health, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741, call the National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), or visit the National Institute of Mental Health website.


What science tells us about the benefits of tapping

You might roll your eyes at the thought of transforming your life by simply tapping on parts of your body, but the research into the reported benefits of methods such as rapid tapping and EFT continues to grow. For example, a 2020 study published in Psychological Trauma suggested that EFT could reduce cortisol — which is responsible for stress — in the body.


Tapping also seems to go beyond helping people confront their anxieties and fears. A 2016 review published in Explore indicates that EFT can potentially help people reduce their depressive symptoms. Additionally, a 2019 report published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine suggested that tapping may actually boost happiness while limiting the effects of several conditions, including PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

However, those who are living with trauma should tread carefully — "The risks [of tapping] are emotional flooding and retraumatization," Dawson Church, Ph.D. and founder of EFT Universe, told Everyday Health. As with any new practice that may alter your physical or emotional state, talk to your doctor if you have questions about how tapping may impact any underlying conditions.


Integrating the basics of EFT into your practice

If you try rapid tapping and begin to notice positive changes in your life, you may want to integrate basic EFT or its concepts as well. Rapid tapping can potentially help you remove energy blocks and carve a path toward manifesting your goals. Basic EFT, on the other hand, can be a handy tool to have if you're looking to decrease everyday stress or simply improve your mood.


As EFT International states, you can practice EFT at home as a form of self-care. To begin, express your discomfort, anxieties, or fears out loud, and measure their intensity on a scale of zero (lowest) to 10 (highest). Then, gently tap on the side of your hand, stating an affirmation of acceptance out loud three times. Continue this tap-and-speak sequence, tapping on meridian points (such as the top of the head or under your nose) and saying a word that expresses your initial anxiety or fear (such as "overwhelmed," "scared"). After repeating the sequence a few times, you can conclude by taking a deep breath of relaxation.

Replacing negative thoughts with positive thinking

Even if you aren't an optimist, it may be helpful to focus on how to approach difficult situations from a more positive, productive standpoint. Research continues to reveal the benefits of positive thinking — Mayo Clinic identifies some of them as a longer lifespan, reduced levels of pain and distress, and better psychological and physical health.


If you want to start changing your approach, you can begin by identifying negative self-talk. This may present itself differently, depending on the situation. For example, stop yourself next time you're asked to reflect on how your day went — are you going to focus on only the negative situations that occurred, or highlight the positives?

Ditching old habits, such as perfectionism and blame, can also help you weed out negative self-talk. Instead, try practicing positive self-talk when you have free time. Saying simple affirmations to yourself throughout the day can help you stay encouraged in between all of that tapping — and keep you on the right track toward manifesting your goals.

