What To Do If You Hate Your New Haircut

Many of today's significant haircut trends are pretty bold, and that's putting it lightly. In fact, many prominent hair trends you'll see on social media today aren't for the faint of heart; after all, look at the ultra-layered octopus cut. Also making the list are risky and bold micro bangs and a shaggy version of the classic mullet — yes, you read that right, the mullet. Furthermore, dauntless chops like bixie cuts and sleek bobs are popping up everywhere.


It may be tempting to impulsively head to your local salon and ask for any of these exciting haircuts. However, before committing to such an extreme hair transformation, you should pause and ask yourself if you really want it, not just in the moment but for the long term, as you shouldn't let the thrill of trying something new lead you into doing something you'll regret.

You may want to avoid getting a new hairstyle mainly based on emotion and impulse because you may end up really hating it in the end. You also may want to hold off on going to the salon unless you have a solid idea of what you're looking for and can explain that vision. However, even if you've thought it through and know exactly what you want, there's still a slight risk of not liking your new haircut. So, what do you do in that situation?


Take matters into your own hands

There is nothing worse than arriving at your salon full of excitement about a new style and then leaving the salon upset with how your hair looks. It can be hard to see past the style that's looking back at you in the mirror and see the potential that is truly there, which is why it's important to go home and style your hair yourself.


Before you get too upset about your new haircut, make sure you take the time to wash and style it to see if maybe what you don't love about your new look is less how it was cut and more how it was styled. Using your own tools and techniques can make a world of difference. Experiment with different styling options until you find one that you love. While you may still not be a fan of the cut, or it may not be what you were hoping for, styling it yourself can change how you feel about your new look.

Get your hair as healthy as possible

Sometimes you may feel that the solution to that haircut you dislike is to grow it out as quickly as possible. While hair typically grows on average half an inch every month, healthy hair will grow faster, be stronger, and look better. To get your hair to a healthy state, you'll want to get regular trims (even though a haircut may be the last thing you want for your hair). You'll also want to limit heat styling as well as any chemical treatments and invest in some quality hair products. These can limit product buildup as well as protect your hair when you do use heat or get your color done.


Supplements may also be able to help encourage hair growth. "Look for a multivitamin that's formulated and labeled 'for hair, skin, and nails,'" dermatologist Dr. Francesca Fusco suggests to Good Housekeeping. "Those contain important vitamins like biotin and C and B that can support hair health." Fusco also suggests that your diet can play a big part in your hair health. "To promote hair growth, you need to 'feed' the hair from the inside," Fusco stated. "Try increasing your protein intake with foods like fish, beans, nuts, and whole grains."

Invest in some great hair accessories

Nothing can make you look at your new haircut differently than a few well-placed accessories. If your hair is shorter than you're used to, or you're struggling with styling after your haircut, consider this the perfect opportunity to invest in fun new accessories like clips and pins. Instead of fretting over layers that are too short, suffering from bang regret, or simply feeling at odds with how to style your new 'do, grab a cute and trendy headband, an embellished bobby pin, or an oversized claw clip and get creative.


Scarves, bandanas, and hats are also a great way to camouflage a haircut you hate, at least until you can get it to a point where you can style it the way you want it. There are so many fun and stylish options when it comes to hair accessories — so instead of enduring that haircut that you don't like, get creative with it. This is the ideal time to start experimenting with different accessories that you may not have tried before. Who knows, you may learn that your haircut isn't bad at all and just needed a bit of accessorizing!

Give your stylist a chance to make things right

It might be easy to curse your stylist after getting a haircut you don't like, vowing never to return — but that's not really fair to them, especially if this is someone you've been seeing regularly. Instead, make an appointment to return to see your stylist to discuss what you don't like and give them a chance to fix it. If you don't feel comfortable right then and there to tell your stylist you're not a fan of the cut, feel free to wait a few days or even a week and then contact the salon.


"Be completely open and honest, but not in a harsh way," celebrity stylist Michael Dueñas told Well + Good. "Hairdressers get offended very easily when you attack their work." Your stylist does not want you to be unhappy with your haircut, and they'll usually try to do whatever they can to make you happy.

However, if this isn't a one-time incident and you've often found yourself unsatisfied after leaving the salon, it may be time to look for a new stylist who can help give you the look you want. "If your stylist only does his or her thing and ultimately pays little attention to your wants, I wouldn't go back to the person if you leave unhappy," Paul Labrecque, owner of Paul Labrecque Salon and Spa, added when speaking to Well + Good. But if you've typically had a great experience with your stylist, you should give them a chance to make things right and help you get to a place where you love your hair once again.


Look for inspiration

Change can be hard, especially when it comes to your hair. It can be easy to be frustrated with or dislike your hair after a haircut simply because it's different, but finding some amazing hair inspo can help with that. Hit up your favorite social media sites and look for celebrities with the same hairstyle and see how they're styling it. You may not have access to celebrity stylists, but that doesn't mean you can't experiment at home and try to recreate some of those red-carpet looks.


You don't need to only look for celebrities with similar hairstyles, either. Social media is full of stylists, models, and everyday people showing how they are rocking their haircuts and providing endless inspiration for those who are struggling with a new look. Sometimes all you need to fall in love with a haircut is to see it look amazing on someone else. You may even discover that a smaller change, like highlights or bangs, may change how you feel about your new haircut.

Consider hair extensions

Not only do hair extensions allow you the ability to transform your hair for any occasion, but they can also be a lifesaver when you're trying to grow out a haircut that you simply don't like. Whether you choose salon-installed wefts, clip-in extensions, or a halo-style hairpiece, extensions can make a huge difference when it comes to dealing with a bad haircut. And while those that are salon installed may be more expensive, extensions that clip in or are worn halo-style can be quite affordable. This means you may even be able to purchase multiple extensions in different styles, colors, and lengths to truly find the look you love.


With practice, clip-in extensions can seamlessly blend with your short hair, just like those installed at the salon. If you're struggling with a haircut that you simply don't like, opting for a temporary fix until your natural hair grows out is a great idea. "You can always try clip-in extensions and take them to your stylist to have them trimmed to blend with your natural hair," celebrity stylist Takisha Sturvidant-Drew explained to Refinery29.

Put your braiding skills to work

It may have been a minute since you rocked braids, but if you're frustrated with a bad haircut, it may be time to put those braiding skills to work once again. Whether your skills are basic or advanced, there's a braid for you, and they can all help keep your hair tied back in a fashionable style while you deal with your haircut.


Many of us are quick to throw our hair up in a top knot when we're frustrated with how it looks, so why not try braids instead? A simple three-strand braid can incorporate any pesky layers you're trying to camouflage while still giving you a cute look, while a more intricate braid, like a French or Dutch braid, will help you tie your hair back, starting closer to the root. Those with natural hair who love to rock protective styles can go for box or knotless braids, among others.

Utilizing braids gives you options other than just covering up your hair with a hat or wearing it up, which can get old. And don't think that just because your hair is short that you can't rock a braid. Unless you have a super short pixie or a more closely cropped cut, you can braid that hair! There are so many cool braids you can experiment with that will help you deal with your haircut until it gets to a point where you can style it how you want.


Utilize those hot tools

If you're someone who was able to wash and go with minimal styling, it can be difficult to know what to do when faced with a haircut you don't like. Taking the time to dry and style hair isn't always easy, especially if you're unfamiliar with using many different styling tools. Take this as the chance you've been looking for to experiment with a few different options to see what you can do with your new hair. Straighteners can give you a sleek, sexy look, or they can be used to add soft curls to your hair. Curling irons and wands are a great way to incorporate those beachy waves you've been coveting or just add in subtle waves.


You could also try out some hot rollers to see if adding a bit of body and volume makes you love your hair. Velcro rollers will give you perfect, bouncy curls, which may change your mind about your new 'do. There are so many tutorials on different social media sites that can help instruct you on how to use these hot tools to get the hairstyle of your dreams. Take this bad haircut as a challenge and an opportunity to experiment with new looks and new styling tools to see if you can create a look that works for you.

Switch things up

Nothing is more frustrating than leaving the salon upset with how your hair looks and your first impulse can often be to immediately cut it again. But before you do something drastic with your cut, why not see if changing something else about your hair will make you see it in a different light?


This could be the ideal time to get those highlights you've been thinking about, or maybe it's time to change your color drastically. If you have brunette hair and have always secretly wanted to go blond, now's your chance! Do you love Ariel's gorgeous red hair and want to exude mermaid vibes yourself? Make that appointment for a color change!

Whether you're looking for a drastic change or just a hint of a different color, switching things up can help you see your hair differently. And if you're unsure you want to change your color, why not try changing your part? If you typically rock a middle part, why not try a side part or vice versa? Sometimes changing even something small can make a huge difference in how you view your hair.


Give it a chance

It's understandable to be disappointed in a haircut you don't like, especially if you think your stylist didn't understand the assignment and gave you something completely different than you were expecting. However, sometimes you just need to give your new hair a chance to settle before making any drastic decisions.


If your initial reaction to your haircut is "I hate it," as you quickly reach for the scissors to try to "fix" it yourself, understand that you may not actually hate the cut, but you're simply shocked at seeing the change. You may want to give yourself anywhere from one to two weeks to get used to your new cut before deciding on anything drastic.

This allows you to get comfortable styling it and removes any emotion you may feel immediately after your appointment. If at this time you still hate your haircut, try some of these tactics we've suggested above to help you embrace your new haircut, at least until it grows out!

